Template:Hoard Pillager strategy

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This minion has rather poor stats, but its Battlecry allows you to reuse an old weapon while avoiding paying extra mana to equip it, giving aggressive Warrior decks more chances to push out damage. To get the most out of this card, it's best to run weapons with high stats or has effects that activate on attack, Deathrattles, or Spellbursts.  Ancharrr is an obvious choice weapon, as are other weapons like  Livewire Lance,  Wrenchcalibur, and  Arcanite Reaper.

Other classes can use Hoard Pillager to reequip key weapons of their own. Shamans can use it for extra use of  The Fist of Ra-den or  The Runespear. Druids can get an extra  Twig of the World Tree to refresh their mana. Paladins can swing with extra Truesilver Champions or the  Ashbringer. Demon Hunters can reuse powerful, active effect weapons, or just high attack weapons like  Marrowslicer or  Flamereaper. Every class can use it for another  Atiesh or another  Sphere of Sapience.

Hoard Pillager should not be used in Rogue, due to the large chance of re-equipping a  Wicked Knife.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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