Template:Hakkar, the Soulflayer strategy

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Hakkar does not impact the board the turn he is played, and is susceptible to Silence and Transform effects. When playing Hakkar, the player should have an immediate way to activate his Deathrattle. This can be done with the  Twig of the World Tree,  Reckless Experimenter,  Dreampetal Florist, or have other minions gain its Deathrattle to ensure that the player has multiple tries to pull off a combo; this can be done with  Da Undatakah, though if it has been transformed, it has not died and hence Da Undatakah will not gain its Deathrattle.

Since it's easier to draw your own cards than it is to force your opponent to draw, one way to create lots of blood is to draw cards over multiple turns then use  King Togwaggle to pass the blood over to your opponent. You can also combine this with  Naturalize, forcing them through one cycle of blood. Done carefully, this will kill them before they have a chance to swap back. Note that you need high health to survive filling your own deck with blood first.

After the player successfully activates Hakkar's deathrattle, the Corrupted Blood in the player's own deck can be neutralized with  Hemet, Jungle Hunter,  Explore Un'Goro,  Prince Liam,  Arch-Villain Rafaam or  Archivist Elysiana.  Skulking Geist will negate Hakkar's Deathrattle from both players, not just yours, so it is not recommended to use it.

Milling a Corrupted Blood by overdrawing will negate its effects, which means you can counteract it by keeping your hand full. As long as your hand is full when you end your turn, it's possible to wait it out until all copies of Corrupted Blood in your deck are removed. This is especially relevant in fatigue matches where both players are running out of resources.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

TRL 541.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.