Template:Animal Companion strategy

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Animal Companion randomly summons either  Misha,  Leokk or  Huffer, each uncollectible 3-cost Beast minions. Although you cannot choose or predict which minion will be summoned, all three are more mana-efficient than collectible 3-mana minions. They maintain their mana efficiency if "returned" to your hand, since each can be summoned back for 3 mana.

This spell can be used to obtain early board presence and apply pressure to your opponent, forcing them to deal with these early threats. Since these minions are all beasts, they also synergize with the various hunter cards that benefit from having beasts in play, such as  Scavenging Hyena,  Kill Command,  Stablemaster or even  Ram Wrangler.

As a spell, Animal Companion is able to serve to maintain board presence when playing Spell Hunter.

 Call of the Wild is a more powerful but more expensive alternative means of summoning the companions.


Huffer is versatile and can be useful in almost any situation. Huffer is very efficient at outputting damage and can pose an enormous threat to a slower deck. Paired with  Houndmaster the next turn, Huffer can efficiently get rid of its issue with low health. In wild,  Crackling Razormaw can offer significant bonuses which fit into Huffer's style of play very much, with  Rocky Carapace eliminating the possible health weakness which the opponent can take advantage of to make better trades,  Lightning Speed not only increases Huffer's damage output, but also adds a bonus to all future buffs, while  Crackling Shield can protect Huffer from a trade to gain tempo.

Huffer is more efficient than  Wolfrider, as they both cost 3 mana and have Charge, but Huffer has +1/+1 in stats when compared to Wolfrider.


Leokk is the most situational out of the three animal companions. Leokk is only useful when multiple other minions are controlled at the same time. Leokk's aura is most beneficial to large amounts of small minions, most notably, Leokk can help kill large minions with  Unleash the Hounds,  Springpaw, and Snakes from  Snake Trap. In an beast focused deck, Leokk can help serve the purpose of  Timber Wolf, just at a higher cost and with a sturdier body. Leokk is generally not efficient at trading, but it can do the job in the early game, being able to efficiently trade into minions such as  Sorcerer's Apprentice,  Acidic Swamp Ooze, and  Flame Imp, but is very vulnerable if played later than turn 3, as popular minions such as  Kirin Tor Mage,  Spellbreaker,  Houndmaster, and  Twilight Drake can all kill Leokk while still leaving a threatening body on the field, thus, protecting Leokk later on in the game can be quite beneficial.

Leokk is more efficient than  Raid Leader as they both cost 3 mana and grant other friendly minions +1 attack, but Leokk has +1 health in stats when compared to Raid Leader.


Misha is one of the most efficient 3-drops in the game: it is very favorable when trading, has a sturdy body, and can protect other important minions. Although Misha, when compared to Huffer, is not able to provide an immediate board impact, Misha still has the capability to gain a huge boost in tempo. Later on in the game, Misha becomes less favorable as 4/4 bodies aren't as impactful as they are in the early game. With 4 health, Misha is able to kill many early minions and survive, such as  Blink Fox and  Augmented Elekk, however, Misha is still vulnerable to removal such as  Eviscerate and  Vendetta.

Misha is more efficient than  Ironfur Grizzly,  Silverback Patriarch,  Fierce Monkey,  Hired Gun, and  Squirming Tentacle, with Misha being better than them in varying degrees of stat difference.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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