Sir Finley Mrrgglton (Twist hero)

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For other uses of Sir Finley Mrrgglton, see Sir Finley (disambiguation).

Sir Finley Mrrgglton is a paladin hero, for use in Twist format seasons.

Related cards

THD 044hp.png
Tied Hero Power
THD 044p.png


Sir Finley Mrrgglton uses these decks:

Sir Finley Mrrgglton
This deck can be used in Twist after unlocking  Sir Finley Mrrgglton.
0Paladin Adaptation1
1Priest Embalming Ritual1
1Paladin Grimscale Chum1
1Neutral Grimscale Oracle1
1Paladin Imprisoned Sungill1
1Shaman Murloc Growfin1
1Neutral Murloc Tidecaller1
1Neutral Murmy1
1Neutral Sir Finley, Sea Guide1
1Shaman Spawnpool Forager1
1Neutral Toxfin1
1Shaman Unite the Murlocs1
2Neutral Amalgam of the Deep1
2Shaman Auctionhouse Gavel1
2Paladin Hand of A'dal1
2Paladin Hydrologist1
2Neutral Lushwater Murcenary1
2Paladin Murgur Murgurgle1
2Neutral Primalfin Lookout1
2Neutral Rockpool Hunter1
2Shaman South Coast Chieftain1
2Shaman Underbelly Angler1
2Warlock Voidgill1
3Warlock Bloodscent Vilefin1
3Shaman Clownfish1
3Neutral Coldlight Seer1
3Paladin Consecration1
3Shaman Cookie the Cook1
3Neutral Murloc Warleader1
3Shaman Nofin Can Stop Us1
3Paladin Underlight Angling Rod1
4Neutral Gentle Megasaur1
4Paladin Murloc Knight1
5Shaman Rotgill1
7Shaman Everyfin is Awesome1


Attack underlay▶️I said good day!
Death▶️<death sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Hello, what's this?
Emote: Well Played▶️Why I'd have a spot of tea with you!
Emote: Oops▶️Oh, bother!
Emote: Threaten▶️That's rot, you blaggard!
Emote: Thanks▶️Cheers, mate.
Unused: Sorry▶️Oh I do apologize.
Concede▶️Very well, the day is yours.
Running out of time▶️Tea time's over.
Thinking▶️…quite the pickle…
Thinking▶️…I say…
Almost out of cards▶️I am dreadfully low on cards.
Out of cards▶️I am drawing dry!
Error: Need a weapon▶️I shall need a weapon for that.
Error: Not enough mana▶️I shall need more mana for that.
Error: Minion exhausted▶️That minion already attacked.
Error: Hero already attacked▶️It is sportsmanlike to only attack once per turn.
Error: Minion not ready▶️Give that minion a moment to get ready.
Error: Too many minions▶️There is not enough room.
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️That minion has stealth.
Error: Can't play that card▶️I can not play that.
Error: Not a valid target▶️A target is required.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️That minion with Taunt is proving to be quite the nuisance.
Error: Generic▶️That would be rude.
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️Let us explore uncharted realms!
Emote: Greetings [Lunar New Year]▶️Happy New Year!
Start [Mirror]▶️My murloc-el-ganger strikes again!
Emote: Greetings [Holidays]▶️Happy holidays!
Emote: Greetings [Happy New Year]▶️Happy New Year!
Unused: Greetings [Pirate Day]▶️Oh are we doing pirates then? ….yaa-ar?
Emote: Greetings [Happy Halloween]▶️Hallow's End - oh! A dreadful holiday.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Noblegarden]▶️Let us pause to reflect on the pagan origins of Noblegarden.
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️A handsome devil, if I do say so myself.
Start▶️Time to save the world!
Error: Hand already full▶️Too many cards… oh! Oh bother.
Emote: Wow▶️That is proper good.


Patch changes

External links