Hemet Nesingwary (boss)

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Hemet Nesingwary.

Hemet Nesingwary is the fifth boss encountered during the game's introductory tutorial.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Shotgun Blast

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Crazed Hunter

Boss cards[edit | edit source]

Hemet Nesingwary always draws his cards in the following order:

  1. -  Raid Leader
  2. -  Frostwolf Grunt
  3. -  Arcane Shot
  4. -  Razorfen Hunter
  5. -  Arcane Shot
  6. -  Raid Leader
  7. -  Sen'jin Shieldmasta
  8. - Crazed Hunter
  9. -  Goldshire Footman
  10. -  Frostwolf Grunt
  11. -  Razorfen Hunter
  12. -  Gnomish Inventor
  13. -  Sen'jin Shieldmasta
  14. -  Fen Creeper
  15. -  Goldshire Footman
  16. - 27 - Crazed Hunter

Player's cards[edit | edit source]

The player always draws cards in the following order.

  1. -  Wolfrider
  2. -  Raid Leader
  3. -  Goldshire Footman
  4. -  Stonetusk Boar
  5. -  Arcane Explosion
  6. -  Polymorph
  7. -  River Crocolisk
  8. -  Sen'jin Shieldmasta
  9. -  Bloodfen Raptor
  10. -  Arcane Intellect
  11. -  Fireball
  12. -  River Crocolisk
  13. -  Novice Engineer
  14. -  Magma Rager
  15. -  Voodoo Doctor
  16. -  Boulderfist Ogre
  17. -  Arcane Intellect
  18. -  Voodoo Doctor
  19. -  Novice Engineer
  20. -  Boulderfist Ogre
  21. -  Raid Leader
  22. -  Arcane Explosion
  23. -  Goldshire Footman
  24. -  Murloc Raider
  25. -  Bloodfen Raptor
  26. -  Wolfrider

Decks[edit | edit source]

Hemet Nesingwary Jaina Proudmoore
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Crazed Hunter 15 Mage  Arcane Explosion 2
Hunter  Arcane Shot 2  Arcane Intellect 2
Neutral  Goldshire Footman 2  Fireball 1
 Frostwolf Grunt 2  Polymorph 2
 Raid Leader 2 Neutral  Goldshire Footman 2
 Razorfen Hunter 2  Murloc Raider 1
 Gnomish Inventor 1  Stonetusk Boar 2
 Sen'jin Shieldmasta 2  Voodoo Doctor 2
 Fen Creeper 2  Bloodfen Raptor 2
 Novice Engineer 2
 River Crocolisk 2
 Magma Rager 1
 Raid Leader 2
 Wolfrider 2
 Sen'jin Shieldmasta 2
 Nightblade 1
 Boulderfist Ogre 2

Dialogue[edit | edit source]


Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Aren't you a pretty lass?
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️Watch your tongue.
Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Eh? Nobody talks to ol' Hemet like that!

Starting hand

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Ha! I go first!
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️But I get an extra card.
Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Oh good! 'Cause you'll need it!

Boss' turn 1

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️This reminds me of the time I was stalking the great tiger Bangalash.

Jaina's  Stonetusk Boar

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️A beast! I'll make a trophy of it!

Boss' turn 2 - Shotgun Blast appears

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Yer probably used to fightin' against minions.
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️I have some tricks of my own, dwarf.
 Fireblast appears

Boss' turn 3 - Shotgun Blast

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Haha! Shotgun!

Turn 3 - Crazed Hunter

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️One health? A perfect target.

Boss' turn 4

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Have you read me book, The Green Hills of Stranglethorn?

Boss' turn 5

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Maybe I should go back to writing.

Boss' turn 6 -  Fen Creeper

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️Bow down before mah HUGE bog creature!
Jaina Proudmoore
▶️I need to find a way to neutralize that thing.


Hemet Nesingwary
Cast on Fen Creeper
▶️That's no fair!
Cast on subsequent targets
▶️Ah! Come on!

Playing a beasts

Hemet Nesingwary
▶️I'll skin that beast! I need a new scarf.
▶️Aye, thanks fer bringin' me a wee snack!
▶️Ahh, the hunt!

Other quotes

Hemet Nesingwary
This would never have happened back in Stranglethorn!
But you're just a wee scrap of a girl!
Jaina Proudmoore
Should I deal 1 damage to a minion, or Nesingwary?

Hemet Nesingwary is defeated

Jaina Proudmoore
▶️That's the end of your safari, Nesingwary.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Hemet Nesingwary is a quest giver and game hunter seen in Nagrand, Sholazar Basin and Valley of the Four Winds. Considered the greatest hunter on Azeroth, he leads safaris to hunt the wildlife of Azeroth and beyond, and is the author of The Green Hills of Stranglethorn. He is generally to be found in the wild, camped out with a group of fellow hunters, surrounded by a variety of grizzly trophies collected from the native game of the area. Nesingwary and his cohorts tutor adventurers on the hunting and trapping of wild creatures.
Hemet fought in many battles alongside Ajeck Rouack's father, and has been described by his servant Barnil Stonepot as a war hero of the Alliance. Nesingwary is the father of Hemet Nesingwary Jr., who has taken over some of his father's duties in Stranglethorn in order to allow him to focus on new and even more exotic game in newly discovered lands.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Although Hemet says, "...you'll need [your extra card]," it is not difficult to win without ever playing either the fourth card in the opening hand ( Nightblade) or the right-most card in the hand.
  • Until the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion, Hemet Nesingwary was the only tutorial boss who did not also appear as a Legendary card.
  • The name "Hemet Nesingwary" is an anagram of Ernest Hemingway, a famous American author and journalist. Hemingway was known as an avid hunter, fisherman, and safari traveler, much like his Warcraft namesake.

Videos[edit | edit source]


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Card changes