Hearthstone Wiki:Archived/Demonlock

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A bargain forged of blood and shadows.

Demon Warlock (or Demonlock) may refer to both any warlock deck that utilizes demon synergies, or the specific control warlock deck described in this article, which utilizes high-power demons, defensive early-game cards and removal, and  Bloodreaver Gul'dan to create a huge tempo swing late game, followed by constant minion value and  Siphon Life to wear down the opponent.

While demon synergy has existed since the beginning of the game, its lack of deck-defining cards and dubious identity has not made any deck built solely around them viable deck for most of Hearthstone's lifetime. After Curse of Naxxramas and prior to the first Standard rotation demon variants of Zoolock and Handlock were quite popular, thanks to  Voidcaller, but both had primary win conditions other than it. Demonlock got notable synergies next time in Mean Streets of Gadgetzan with  Krul the Unshackled, but it was not enough to make the deck widely popular. Decks with demons as primary win condition only became competitively viable with the addition of  Bloodreaver Gul'dan in Knights of the Frozen Throne, as demons were given a win condition powerful enough. In the following expansion Kobolds and Catacombs, Demonlock was also given high power level cards, including  Voidlord for its extremely high value,  Skull of the Man'ari and  Possessed Lackey for pulling high-cost demons, and general early to mid-game control cards like  Lesser Amethyst Spellstone.

Warlock lost most of its control cards in the Year of the Dragon, turning Demonlock into a Wild-only deck.

Common cards[edit source]

Wild icon.pngThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[edit source]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Kobold Librarian
Mistress of Mixtures
Mortal Coil
Plague of Flames
Kanrethad Ebonlocke
Dark Skies
Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
Skull of the Man'ari
Siphon Soul
Lord Godfrey
Enhanced Dreadlord
Twisting Nether
Bloodreaver Gul'dan

Cubelock[edit source]

Main article: Cube Warlock

The following cards are commonly played in the Cubelock version:

Dark Pact
Prince Taldaram
Spiritsinger Umbra
Carnivorous Cube
Faceless Manipulator

Handlock[edit source]

Main article: Handlock

The following cards are commonly played in the Handlock version:

Hooked Reaver
The Dark Portal
Mountain Giant
Molten Giant

Renolock[edit source]

Main article: Renolock

The following cards are commonly played in the Demon variant of Renolock:

Zephrys the Great
Despicable Dreadlord
Reno Jackson
Abyssal Enforcer
Krul the Unshackled

Optional cards[edit source]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Dark Possession
Bloodmage Thalnos
Vulgar Homunculus
Curse of Weakness
Demonic Project
Drain Soul
Sense Demons
Shadow Bolt
Envoy Rustwix
Antique Healbot
Sludge Belcher
Dread Infernal
Possessed Lackey
Khartut Defender
Sylvanas Windrunner
Master Oakheart
N'Zoth, the Corruptor