Remixed Dispense-o-bot

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Remixed Dispense-o-bot is a rare mage minion card, from the Audiopocalypse mini-set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Mage Pack
Festival of Legends
Badlands Catch-Up
Whizbang's Workshop Catch-up
Regular1~2 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Mage Pack
Golden Standard
Festival of Legends
Golden Festival of Legends
Golden1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 100 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 800 Dust.pngGolden1
RunComplete an Arena run.Regular1 (random)
RankedOpen the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of season.Regular1~7 (random)

Related cards

JAM 000t.png
JAM 000t2.png
JAM 000t3.png
JAM 000t4.png


  • When drawn or added to the player's hand, this transforms into one of the related cards.
  • The transformed card is chosen randomly, as all subsequent transforms. However, the forms cannot swap into themselves (a different one will always be chosen).[1]


This message only appears if you turn on AdvancedEditor gadget on and valid data exist in Template:CustomAchievement table.
AchievementPin Gameplay.pngFestival of Legends - SVG logo.svgGameplay - Festival of Legends - NeutralR-R-R-Remix!Play 8 different versions of Remixed cards.20 Achievement Point.png
AchievementPin Gameplay.pngFestival of Legends - SVG logo.svgGameplay - Festival of Legends - NeutralR-R-R-Remix!Play 16 different versions of Remixed cards.20 Achievement Point.png


  • ▶️ VO_JAM_000_Female_Mech_Play_01.wav Remixed delights for concert nights!
  • ▶️ CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ VO_JAM_000_Female_Mech_Attack_01.wav I'll mix you up.
  • ▶️ CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ VO_JAM_000_Female_Mech_Death_01.wav <death sound>
  • ▶️ CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav <underlay sound>


Patch changes

External links

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Leo Robles on Twitter (X). (2023-05-25).