Raid the Docks

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Raid the Docks is a legendary warrior spell card, from the United in Stormwind set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

United in Stormwind
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

United in Stormwind
Golden United in Stormwind
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Ban lists

Raid the Docks is in these ban lists:

Related cards

Create a Distraction
Second questline
Secure the Supplies
Final questline
Cap'n Rokara
The Juggernaut



AchievementPin Gameplay.pngUnited in Stormwind - SVG logo.svgGameplay - Stormwind - WarriorBroadside!Destroy your opponent with The Juggernaut's cannons.20 Achievement Point.png


The card art depicts Rokara as the Horde's captain, leads a pirate army to raid the Stormwind Harbor.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Stormwind Harbor is a large port and shipyard, consisting of a series of wharfs, dry docks, and fortifications located in the northwestern area of Stormwind City, with the access point set between the Park and Cathedral Square districts. The harbor serves as a major strategic base for both the Kingdom of Stormwind and the Alliance. Here, many Alliance warships are constructed and fleets assembled; it is likely the largest and most important Alliance naval base in the Great Sea and potentially beyond. From a civilian perspective, transport ships regularly sail from the harbor to numerous other destinations across Azeroth, such as Rut'theran Village in Kalimdor, and Valiance Keep in Northrend.


  •  The Juggernaut was a part of Patch, an April Fools 2022 prank, with the announced text change from "Start of Your Turn: Summon a Pirate, equip a Warrior weapon, and fire two cannons that deal 2 damage!" to "Start of Your Turn: Summon  Mr. Smite, equip  Gorehowl, and deal 4 damage to the enemy hero!"


Patch changes

External links