Bloodreaver Gul'dan

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For other uses of Gul'dan, see Gul'dan (disambiguation).

Bloodreaver Gul'dan is a legendary warlock hero card, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Knights of the Frozen Throne
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Knights of the Frozen Throne
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Ban lists

Bloodreaver Gul'dan is in these ban lists:

  • Hero cards - Hero cards cannot be drafted in Arena.

Related cards

ICC 831p.png
Tied Hero Power


To edit these notes, go to Template:Bloodreaver Gul'dan notes.


Play stinger▶️<music stinger>
Play stinger▶️<music stinger>
Play▶️A bargain forged in blood and shadow.
Death▶️<death sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Fear me.
Emote: Well Played▶️<VO sound>
Emote: Oops▶️That served no purpose.
Emote: Threaten▶️Your suffering will be... legendary!
Emote: Thanks▶️Ah, thank you.
Concede▶️You win... for now.
Running out of time▶️I must feed, now!
Thinking▶️My hunger grows...
Thinking▶️So many bloody decisions...
Almost out of cards▶️I'm almost out of cards!
Out of cards▶️I'm out of cards!
Emote: Wow▶️Bloody hellfire.


Bloodreaver Gul'dan is the death knight version of  Gul'dan.

Bloodreaver Gul'dan in Forest for the Weary.

In the web comic Forest for the Weary, a  Pompous Thespian tells a cautionary tale about  Rexxar, who one day discovered that his forest was being corrupted by the death knight  Malfurion the Pestilent. Though Rexxar attempted to defeat the corrupted druid, Malfurion's insects chewed apart his arrows and poisoned his animal companions. With sorrow in his heart, Rexxar swore he would do anything for the power to do what was right. In response, a frosty wind howled and the shadow of a twisted throne fell over him. In its place was only Gul'dan, who had just what Rexxar wished for. Gul'dan offered him a way to protect what he held most dear, and all he asked for in return was a single life. Rexxar accepted the offer, and was transformed into  Deathstalker Rexxar. Gul'dan instructed him on how to give immortality and unholy power to his beloved beasts. With his new powers, Rexxar forged an army of Zombeasts and managed to overpower Malfurion; though just as Rexxar moved in for the killing blow, Malfurion revealed that he himself had simply been trying to protect the forests as well. He had discovered a dark presence siphoning life from the wilds, and a grove of dead wolves with bite marks upon their necks. At that point in time, a hooded stranger had offered him the power to save the land. It had become apparent that Malfurion and Rexxar had fallen victim to the same force. As the Pompous Thespian finishes his tale, a member of the audience asks what had happened to the "Vampire Orc". The storyteller replies that no one knows what became of Gul'dan, but that it was rumored that even he served a greater evil, and that his corruption of Malfurion and Rexxar had merely been on the orders of his dark liege.

The bloodreaver's vampirism, as well as his title and appearance, strongly suggest an association with the Blood death knight specialization.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
"In undeath, some death knights find a special affinity for the blood and bone of the living. They carve into their enemies, sustaining themselves with deadly sanguine strikes, while using the bloody, shattered remains of the dead to fortify their own defenses. These crimson-soaked knights bend the very rules of mortality to control the frontlines of the battlefield."

For more information, see Knights of the Frozen Throne.


  • Bloodreaver Gul'dan underwent multiple redesigns during the development of Knights of the Frozen Throne. Originally titled "Gul'dan, Bloodlord" or "Bloodlord Gul'dan", one of his original designs was an 8-mana card with the effect "Your cards cost health instead of mana. Whenever a minion dies, restore 3 Health to your hero.". A later design saw it as a 30-mana card(!) with the effect "Costs (1) less for each Health you are missing. Battlecry: Summon 3 Demons from your deck".[1]
  • Bloodreaver Gul'dan's Summon quote is a twist on Gul'dan's Heroes of the Storm quote "A bargain forged in flame and shadow."


Patch changes

External links

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Designing Hearthstone's Death Knights - IGN. (2017-09-14). Retrieved on 2017-09-14.