Template:Twisting Nether strategy

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A very situational card because of its high mana cost and the fact that it destroys all minions on the board, including your own. Ideally played when destroying your opponent's minions outweighs the loss of your own. Losses can also be offset by having Deathrattle minions on your side of the battlefield, such as  Enhanced Dreadlord, allowing you to recover quickly from the wipe, or even intentionally activate your own  Nerubian Egg.

Also an excellent card to play when your opponent has a small or empty hand, immediately before playing  Lord Jaraxxus. This can serve very well for buying the warlock time to build their new offensive, strongly increasing their chances of victory.

Most control warlock decks can justify running one or two copies of twisting nether in their deck, as it is an obvious fit, although many decks also forgo it in favor of newer and more powerful, or more synergy-focused options. Handlock, for example, uses  Shadowflame more often, while Cubelock would rather run  Plague of Flames.

Twisting nether should be played while keeping a good game sense in mind, such as keeping track of approximately how many valuable minions your opponent should have in their hand and deck. If you feel like your opponent might have many valuable minions left, try to refrain from playing twisting nether if you can afford it. It goes without saying that, if you are low on health and can not afford to take lose more HP, then using twisting nether to clear the board is a must do.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.