Template:The Curator strategy

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The Curator works best with a Zoo deck or "menagerie" deck designed to benefit from this reasonably powerful, late-midrange-focused Legendary, ideally placing a random Dragon, Murloc and Beast from your deck into your hand. Its base stats are unimpressive for a 7-drop, but its Taunt allows it to provide some protection for the minions drawn. Alternatively, it's used to draw key dragon, beast, or murloc card more reliably.

The Curator can support a wide variety of strategies, and works particularly well with midrange/control staples of the appropriate types which favor a heavy field or large hand size, like  Stampeding Kodo,  Twilight Drake,  Primordial Drake,  Murloc Knight, and  Mukla's Champion. It can also be used to grab powerful late-game control finishers like  Ysera,  Onyxia,  Malygos,  Chromaggus, and  Nefarian. It purposefully synergizes with its fellow One Night in Karazhan wing rewards  Zoobot,  Menagerie Magician and  Menagerie Warden to boost the cards it finds. Including only a single minion of a type results in a guaranteed draw of the card if it remains in the deck; this strategy can be very powerful, though it reduces total stat-boosting synergy with other potential menagerie cards in the deck overall.

The Curator also has somewhat of a synergy with  Prince Malchezaar. There is a good chance to draw a legendary Dragon since most of them are Neutral, plus a smaller chance to draw a Legendary beast, moreso for Hunters and Druids. However, the generated legendaries are random and may not even generate any legendary of the three types, so using the Curator solely for this purpose is unwise.

Having  Brann Bronzebeard in play potentially doubles the draw advantage and may be an especially powerful combination. Effects like  Spirit of the Dead,  Lab Recruiter, and  Dead Man's Hand also allow a potentially ridiculous amount of draw, making this one of the more powerful cards for sheer card advantage if enough cards of the three minion types are present in the deck.

The Curator can draw  Nightmare Amalgam for any of the three types, if there are two or more copies of Nightmare Amalgam, it might be drawn twice or even three times. This allows for synergies with  Dire Frenzy, and potentially also  Deathwing, Dragonlord.

Hunter and Druid class Beast affinities are other potential avenues of synergy with Curator/menagerie deck types.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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