Template:Starving Buzzard strategy

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Starving Buzzard is often considered a very weak card, providing a 3/2 minion for five mana that tends to die before you can use it to draw many (if any) cards. However, because Hunter has always been a class with very few Card draw effects and low mana curves, it has usually seen some play simply due to lack of alternatives.

If you have a few low cost Beasts in hand, such as  Alleycat, you may be able to play several cheap Beasts while simultaneously refilling your hand. You can also combo Starving Buzzard with spells such as  Unleash the Hounds or  Snake Trap, summoning multiple Beasts at once for substantial card draw.

Buzzard combos often require having multiple cards in hand (which is difficult for a class that has few other options for card draw) and a large amount of mana (which is a problem for a class that tends to focus on aggro or mid-range play).

Alternatively, you can use an array of Hunter Deathrattle cards that summon Beasts in conjunction with this card, letting you bypass restraints on mana cost. Hunter Deathrattle cards which summon Beasts include  Kindly Grandmother,  Rat Pack,  Infested Wolf, and  Savannah Highmane.

Starving Buzzard also can combo with  Piranha Launcher, though this is considered very weak as both cards are overly expensive and the combo can only guarantee one draw.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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