Template:Purify strategy

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This card's Silence effect makes target selection critical. Any plain, unenchanted minion will provide no drawback, as will Battlecry minions and those with unimportant abilities. However, this spell is best when used on a target with a negative enchantment or undesirable card text. As well as hostile effects such as  Corruption, Freeze effects and  Power Word: Glory, Purify works very well with the 1/1 copies created by  Herald Volazj or  Barnes, especially if the copy is a high stat minion like a Giant or legendary Dragon. Purify is best included in a deck with such cards.

Purify can also work with  Ancient Watcher,  Eerie Statue, and  Humongous Razorleaf, but mostly provides only a tempo advantage, since the overall mana cost of these combos is the same as alternatives like  Chillwind Yeti and  Boulderfist Ogre. For example, playing a turn 2 Ancient Watcher followed by a turn 3 Purify will give the player a usable 4/5 on turn 3, where a Chillwind Yeti would not be active until turn 5. However, such combos require having both cards in hand, making them unreliable.

Purify's card draw effect compensates for the spell's relatively low value, putting it a step above Silence, although it is limited to friendly targets. This can also help to shrink the player's deck, producing higher turnover and increasing the odds of finding key cards.

Purify has synergy with  Ragnaros the Firelord when it is important to deal 8 damage to a specific target, removing his end of turn effect but in turn allowing the player to command him to attack.

Despite its potential for novel applications the spell is considered by most serious players to be a very poor card in most decks, although it has been described as "awesome" and extremely fun in the right deck (see Silence Priest).[1]

The release of Journey to Un'Goro has provided more minions that benefit from being Silenced, such as  Humongous Razorleaf and  Frozen Crusher.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.