Template:Goldshire Gnoll strategy

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Goldshire Gnoll on its own is an extremely inefficient Rush minion, costing 10 mana for a mere 5/4 in stats. Similar to  Mountain Giant's cost discount, the card requires having other cards in your hand, though it is extremely easy to do so, especially for Warlocks with  Life Tap. Other classes can achieve this as well, but require more effort to do so. Ideally players would want to run this with plenty of card generation effects. This is best if a card can generate multiple cards into your hand such as  Malygos the Spellweaver. With a full hand, Goldshire Gnoll can cost 1 mana (or 0 with  Valdris Felgorge).

It becomes most effective when you have 7 cards in your hand, which drops it to a 4-mana 5/4. In addition, it has Rush, which can instantly react to the opponent's board by eliminating low cost. Should the Goldshire Gnoll die, it can be revived with  Raise Dead to deliberately lower its cost by 2 and can be used to clear minions again.

Because it is a 10-cost minion, it can be Evolved to be a guaranteed 8/8 giant. It can also be used as a  Conjurer's Calling or  Revolve target to summon better 10-cost minions early in the game. Remember that the player should attack a minion while leaving it alive before transforming it with those said cards.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

SW 062.png

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