Template:Aldor Peacekeeper notes

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  • Aldor Peacekeeper's Battlecry will reduce the target's Attack to exactly 1, even if the target's Attack is increased by a minion-specific enchantment or effect. For instance,  Raging Worgen's Attack will change to exactly 1 even if it is Enraged at the time. However, Attack granted by auras (such as that of  Raid Leader) will not be taken into account, allowing them to maintain the minion's Attack higher than 1 despite the effect.
  • Minions can receive further enchantments after being subjected to Aldor Peacekeeper's Battlecry. For example, a  Core Hound that has had its Attack reduced from 9 to 1 by an Aldor Peacekeeper might then receive the Battlecry effect of a  Defender of Argus, resulting in an Attack of 2.
  •  Lightspawn's Attack will be unaffected by Aldor Peacekeeper's Battlecry and remain equal to its Health, due to its ongoing effect overriding any other Attack modifications.
  • As with any enchantment, the effects of the Aldor Peacekeeper's Battlecry can be removed using Silences. This can be useful for countering the effect upon powerful minions.
  • If the Aldor Peacekeeper targets an enemy  Swamp King Dred with its Battlecry, Dred's Attack will immediately drop to 1 before it auto-attacks the Peacekeeper, so the Peacekeeper will only be hit for 1 damage.

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