View table: CustomCardNote

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This table has 1,385 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page dbfId
Template:0CT0-Bot notes (edit) 71,957
Template:A Beautiful Oasis notes (edit) 56,207
Template:A Light in the Darkness notes (edit) 38,913
Template:A New Challenger... notes (edit) 50,019
Template:A Party of Adventurers notes (edit) 73,327
Template:Abyssal Summoner notes (edit) 54,894
Template:Acidmaw notes (edit) 2,633
Template:Activate the Obelisk notes (edit) 54,749
Template:Aedalas Blackmoore notes (edit) 71,187
Template:Aegwynn, the Guardian notes (edit) 113,180
Template:Aimed Shot notes (edit) 64,631
Template:Akama (boss) notes (edit) 75,664
Template:Alarm-o-Bot notes (edit) 1,658
Template:Aldor Peacekeeper notes (edit) 1,167
Template:Alexstrasza notes (edit) 581
Template:Alonsus Faol notes (edit) 61,388
Template:Amani Berserker notes (edit) 790
Template:Amara, Warden of Hope notes (edit) 41,950
Template:Amulet of Undying notes (edit) 65,676
Template:An Angry Treant notes (edit) 73,323
Template:Ancestor's Call notes (edit) 1,998
Template:Ancestral Healing notes (edit) 149
Template:Ancestral Spirit notes (edit) 404
Template:Ancient Harbinger notes (edit) 38,873
Template:Ancient Mage notes (edit) 915
Template:Ancient Shade notes (edit) 9,081
Template:Ancient Shieldbearer notes (edit) 38,897
Template:Ancient Void Hound notes (edit) 60,143
Template:Anetheron (Cariel boss 1) notes (edit) 78,440
Template:Anetheron (Cariel boss 2) notes (edit) 78,441
Template:Anetheron notes (edit) 64,903
Template:Angry Mob notes (edit) 66,268
Template:Anima Golem notes (edit) 2,045
Template:Animated Armor notes (edit) 36,111
Template:Anomaly - Eternal Army notes (edit) 58,807
Template:Anub'ar Ambusher notes (edit) 1,810
Template:Anub'arak (boss) notes (edit) 75,662
Template:Anubisath Sentinel notes (edit) 2,933
Template:Anyfin Can Happen notes (edit) 2,898
Template:Apothecary's Caravan notes (edit) 63,193
Template:Aranasi Broodmother notes (edit) 52,058
Template:Aranna Starseeker (Kurtrus boss) notes (edit) 74,771
Template:Arcane Amplifier notes (edit) 56,072
Template:Arcane Blast notes (edit) 2,572
Template:Arcane Brilliance notes (edit) 67,874
Template:Arcane Giant notes (edit) 39,426
Template:Arcane Luminary notes (edit) 63,060
Template:Arcane Missiles notes (edit) 564
Template:Arcanologist notes (edit) 41,153
Template:Arch-Thief Rafaam notes (edit) 2,964
Template:Archaedas notes (edit) 17,099
Template:Archimonde (Druid boss) notes (edit) 71,867
Template:Archimonde (Shaman boss) notes (edit) 71,191
Template:Archivist Elysiana notes (edit) 52,870
Template:Archmage Antonidas notes (edit) 1,080
Template:Archmage Vargoth notes (edit) 52,438
Template:Arfus notes (edit) 45,366
Template:Argent Braggart notes (edit) 59,616
Template:Argent Watchman notes (edit) 2,505
Template:Armor Up! notes (edit) 725
Template:Armorsmith notes (edit) 596
Template:Artificer Xy'mox notes (edit) 77,482
Template:Artificer Xy'mox notes (edit) 84,549
Template:Astral Communion notes (edit) 2,785
Template:Astromancer Solarian notes (edit) 56,717
Template:Auchenai Soulpriest notes (edit) 237
Template:Auctionmaster Beardo notes (edit) 40,605
Template:Augmented Elekk notes (edit) 49,269
Template:Autodefense Matrix notes (edit) 48,984
Template:Avatar of the Coin notes (edit) 1,733
Template:Avenge notes (edit) 1,804
Template:Avenging Wrath notes (edit) 1,174
Template:Aviana notes (edit) 2,796
Template:Avozu notes (edit) 57,396
Template:Awaken the Flame notes (edit) 57,297
Template:Awaken the Makers notes (edit) 41,494
Template:Awaken! notes (edit) 55,250
Template:Axe Flinger notes (edit) 2,297
Template:Aya Blackpaw notes (edit) 40,596
Template:Azalina Soulthief notes (edit) 46,874
Template:Azsharan Scroll notes (edit) 77,209
Template:Azsharan Scroll notes (edit) 77,211
Template:Azsharan Sweeper notes (edit) 77,016
Template:Azzinoth notes (edit) 60,748
Template:Baduu Prime notes (edit) 59,824
Template:Baku the Mooneater notes (edit) 48,158
Template:Ball of Spiders notes (edit) 2,483
Template:Baltharak notes (edit) 60,138
Template:Bamboozle notes (edit) 57,145
Template:Bandersmosh notes (edit) 55,643
Template:Bane of Doom notes (edit) 23
Template:Barak Kodobane (boss) notes (edit) 73,325
Template:Barista Lynchen notes (edit) 52,413
Template:Barnes notes (edit) 39,941
Template:Baron Rivendare notes (edit) 1,915
Template:Bash notes (edit) 2,729
Template:Batterhead notes (edit) 53,251
Template:Battlegrounds/Agamaggan, the Great Boar notes (edit) 70,176
Template:Battlegrounds/Amalgadon notes (edit) 61,444
Template:Battlegrounds/Aranna Starseeker notes (edit) 61,910
