Template:Akama (boss) notes

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  • This is a two-stage battle. At the first stage the player has to lower Akama's health to 15 or less; at the second stage - to survive for 4 enemy turns.
  • The player always gets  Eye Beam,  Parasitic Shadowfiend,  Spectral Sight on mulligan.
    • These cards can be replaced with  Stolen Vengeance,  Acrobatics,  Skull of Gul'dan. The replacement takes place from left to right (i.e., if the player replaced one card, they will receive Stolen Vengeance regardless of whether Eye Beam or Spectral Sight was replaced).
  • The player always draws the cards on first eleven turns in the next order:
  • When Akama's Health is 15 or less, the second phase of the battle begins. After that:
    • Akama is replaced by Maiev Shadowsong.
    •  Nightblade and four Huntresses appear on the board
    • Maiev Shadowsong gets a new deck of 30 cards and draws the cards.
      • If the first stage has ended with Akama at 1-15 Health, Maiev will draw so cards that their quantity in hand will be equal to 9.
      • If Akama's Health was 0 or below, Maiev will draw 4 cards.
    • All minions' triggers are queuing and resolving.

This template contains notes for these cards.

Story 10 Akama 008hb.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.