Removed card/Boss cards

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For constructed cards, see Removed card.

This section includes boss cards, Hero Powers, and bosses and replacement heroes that are unused and were archived from adventures during development, or were removed from the game later.

Full list[edit | edit source]

Boss cards
Boss cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DRGA BOSS 34h.png
BRMA12 9.png
DRGA BOSS 33t.png
LOEA09 3d.png
LOEA09 3c.png
LOEA09 3b.png
DRGA BOSS 14p.png
DRGA BOSS 34t.png
TB BRMA01 2H 2.png
DRGA BOSS 15h.png
DRGA BOSS 14h.png
DRGA BOSS 02tt.png
LOEA09 7H.png
BRMA02 2 2c TB.png
BRMA07 2 2c TB.png
DMF 188t.png
NAX12 02H 2c TB.png
LOE 008.png
Story 06 FutureGladiator.png
BRMA12 10.png
LOEA09 9.png
LOEA09 9H.png
KAR A02 01H.png
BRMA10 6.png
LOE 016t.png
Story 05 SolvetheRiddles.png
DALA 501.png
BRMA12 8.png
BRMA17 7.png
KARA 08 04.png
LOEA09 2H.png
DRGA BOSS 15p.png
LOEA09 10.png
LOEA15 3H.png
BOM 03 Mutanus 07p.png
LOEA09 11.png
LOEA09 5H.png
Story 11 LadyStheno.png
KARA 08 03H.png
BRMC 93.png
LOEA09 12.png
DRGA BOSS 07t.png
KAR A02 06.png
BOM 03 Hamuul 01t.png
LOEA09 13.png
DRGA BOSS 02t3.png
DRGA BOSS 36t.png
DRGA BOSS 06t3.png
DRGA BOSS 06t2.png
DRGA BOSS 09t2.png
Prologue Captain.png
LOEA16 17.png

By adventure[edit | edit source]

Tutorial[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
TU4e 006.png

Blackrock Mountain[edit | edit source]

Blackrock Mountain
Blackrock Mountain
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
BRMA12 9.png
BRMA12 10.png
BRMA10 6.png
BRMA12 8.png
BRMA17 7.png

The League of Explorers[edit | edit source]

League of Explorers
League of Explorers
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
LOEA09 3b.png
LOEA09 3c.png
LOEA09 3d.png
LOEA09 7H.png
LOE 008.png
LOEA09 9H.png
LOEA09 9.png
LOE 016t.png
LOEA09 2H.png
LOEA09 10.png
LOEA15 3H.png
LOEA09 11.png
LOEA09 5H.png
LOEA09 12.png
LOEA09 13.png
LOEA16 17.png

One Night in Karazhan[edit | edit source]

One Night in Karazhan
One Night in Karazhan
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
KAR A02 01H.png
KARA 08 04.png
KARA 08 03H.png
KAR A02 06.png

The Dalaran Heist[edit | edit source]

The Dalaran Heist
The Dalaran Heist
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DALA 501.png

Galakrond's Awakening[edit | edit source]

Galakrond's Awakening
Galakrond's Awakening
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DRGA BOSS 34h.png
DRGA BOSS 33t.png
DRGA BOSS 14p.png
DRGA BOSS 34t.png
DRGA BOSS 15h.png
DRGA BOSS 14h.png
DRGA BOSS 02tt.png
DRGA BOSS 15p.png
DRGA BOSS 07t.png
DRGA BOSS 02t3.png
DRGA BOSS 36t.png
DRGA BOSS 06t3.png
DRGA BOSS 06t2.png
DRGA BOSS 09t2.png

Demon Hunter Prologue[edit | edit source]

Demon Hunter Prologue
Demon Hunter Prologue
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Prologue Captain.png

Book of Heroes or Book of Mercenaries[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
DMF 188t.png
Story 06 FutureGladiator.png
Story 05 SolvetheRiddles.png
BOM 03 Mutanus 07p.png
Story 11 LadyStheno.png
BOM 03 Hamuul 01t.png