Achievement/Gameplay - Rise of Shadows

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A list of all Gameplay - Rise of Shadows achievements can be found here.

Completing all of these rewards the player a total of 1000 Achievement Point.pngachievement points.

Rise of Shadows

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Feats of Strength

(Total: 1000 Achievement Point.png)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
7457Overgrown LawnSummon 10 Treants with The Forest's Aid in one turn.100 Achievement Point.png The Forest's Aid
7458while (true)Summon a chain of 4 Oblivitrons off of another Oblivitron's Deathrattle.100 Achievement Point.png Oblivitron
7459Spellnado!!!Add 10 spells to your hand with a single Mana Cyclone's Battlecry.100 Achievement Point.png Mana Cyclone
7460The Meek Shall SurviveHave a friendly 0-Cost minion fight in a Duel! and survive.100 Achievement Point.png Duel!
7461Weight ResurrectionSummon 60 Mana worth of minions with a single Mass Resurrection.100 Achievement Point.png Mass Resurrection
7462Masterful Gambit, SirDestroy 6 minions with a single Daring Escape.100 Achievement Point.png Daring Escape
7463You Got Me MonologuingDeal 100 damage with a single Hagatha's Scheme.100 Achievement Point.png Hagatha's Scheme
7464It Was Me, Duo!Cast Plot Twist and end up with twice as many cards as you started with.100 Achievement Point.png Plot Twist
7465The Hall of BOOM!End your turn with 4 different versions of Dr. Boom in play.100 Achievement Point.png Blastmaster Boom,  Dr. Boom, Mad Genius,  Dr. Boom,  Inventor Boom
7466Quads WorkoutAttack with a single Whirlwind Tempest 4 times in one turn.100 Achievement Point.png Whirlwind Tempest

Patch changes[edit | edit source]