Thaddius (boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Battlegrounds/Thaddius, Thaddius.

Thaddius is a boss in the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. He is the fourth and final boss of the adventure's fourth wing, the  Construct Quarter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal and Heroic
Polarity Shift

Special cards[edit | edit source]


Heroic mode only


Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Class Card Quantity
Boss Supercharge 2
Priest  Dark Cultist 2
Shaman  Forked Lightning 2
 Lightning Bolt 2
 Lightning Storm 2
 Unbound Elemental 2
Neutral  Zombie Chow 2
 Acidic Swamp Ooze 2
 Haunted Creeper 2
 Nerubian Egg 2
 Shade of Naxxramas 2
 Stoneskin Gargoyle 2
 Sludge Belcher 4
 Spectral Knight 2

Tips[edit | edit source]

General tips

  • Use minions with auras that increase either Attack or both Attack and Health.
    • His hero power will swap the current Attack and Health of all minions, making the bonuses permanent.
    • The auras will then be reapplied, providing additional benefits. This process will repeat every turn.
  • 0-attack minions will become 0-health, and therefore die, when the boss' hero power activates.
    • For this reason, cards like  Nerubian Egg is an excellent card for this fight.


  • Thaddius summons  Stalagg and  Feugen for free on his first turn.
    • These boss minions do not possess Deathrattles and will not summon a  Thaddius minion upon death.
    • However, these minions' deaths will still count to trigger the player's  Stalagg and  Feugen's Deathrattles, allowing for a  Thaddius minion to be summoned as early as turn 5.
    • Early removal is key to deal with Stalagg and Feugen before they deal too much damage.


Videos[edit | edit source]

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Wailing Soul

Wing completion

As the final boss of the Construct Quarter, defeating Thaddius also unlocks the following rewards:


Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

▶️It's alive!! But you won't be, for long.


▶️I must obey!

Emote Response


Hero Power

▶️You die now!


▶️Thank you...
▶️Interloper! This is the final straw!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Thaddius is a raid boss in the Naxxramas raid.

In Curse of Naxxramas

The final hulking horror that stands within the Construct Quarter is Thaddius. Pieced together from the flesh of the innocent, this massive abomination dwells in one of Naxxramas’ experimental laboratories, flanked by two huge wights—Stalagg and Feugen. Powerful bolts of electricity arc through the laboratory, supercharging Thaddius and his wight minions.[1]

In World of Warcraft

In order to confront Thaddius in the Naxxramas raid, players had to first kill  Feugen and  Stalagg. If they were not killed within 5 seconds of each other they would resurrect each other with full health, forcing raids to down them almost simultaneously.

"Thaddius, built from the flesh of women and children, it is said that their souls are fused together - eternally bound within that foul prison of flesh."
- Commander Eligor Dawnbringer


Patch changes

Card changes

References[edit | edit source]