Template:Void Terror strategy

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A demon minion with a very useful Battlecry, Void Terror is very useful if you are tight on health or you just simply want to kill the opponent faster.

While new players may find it hard to see the advantage in sacrificing your own minions, this minion's ability should not be underestimated, as it allows you to combine the total Attack and Health of smaller minions into one large minion, capable of profitable trades or powerful damage to your opponent. This card also effectively counters area of effect spells that rely on modest amounts of damage dealt to multiple minions, such as  Blizzard or  Hellfire; where you might lose all of your minions to such cards, combining them into a Void Terror allows the Terror to survive and continue to do large amounts of damage. This card also combos very well with the warlock spell  Power Overwhelming.

To execute the combination with Power Overwhelming you need to play Power Overwhelming on a minion you intend to have Void Terror consume. After casting Power Overwhelming, attack with the targeted minion (not required for the combo but generally advised). Finally, play Void Terror adjacent to the targeted creature, resulting in a single creature that will retain the bonus Attack and Health that was granted by Power Overwhelming.

The downside, of course, is that this gives your opponent a convenient single target - a simple silence or removal ability will render you worse off than having not played the card in the first place.

This card is ideal for use with minions with inherent weaknesses such as  Venture Co. Mercenary (to negate the increased mana cost effect) or  Ancient Watcher (since the minion couldn't attack), allowing the warlock to make use of the unusually high stats of these cards while discarding their built-in drawbacks.

With the Naxxramas cards, a very powerful combination is playing  Power Overwhelming on a  Nerubian Egg, attacking with it, and then absorbing it with a Void Terror. This will trigger the egg's Deathrattle and leave a 4/4 on the board, plus a Void Terror upwards of 7/9, potentially as early as turn 3 if you start with  The Coin.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.