Template:The Coin strategy

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The Coin can be used at any time during the game to give the player an extra Mana Crystal. It is possible for The Coin to be used more than once each game with the use of copying effects like  Lorewalker Cho or  Mind Vision, or with cards that generate new The Coin cards like  Cutpurse.

This can be useful in the early or late game to play a card one turn earlier than they would otherwise be played. In the early game, it can help to overcome a difficult card draw, or to allow you to place a high-cost minion on the field ahead of time. In the later game, it can be saved until an opportunity presents itself for The Coin's extra mana crystal to provide a substantial benefit.

The Coin is a regular card, and counts towards your hand size, so you may want to keep it in your hand to use it with cards that counts towards your hand size, such as  Twilight Drake. It also counts as playing a spell, which is significant for cards such as  Mana Wyrm and  Archmage Antonidas.

Players have a maximum of 10 mana. If you play The Coin with 10/10 mana, the extra mana will be wasted. Instead, one should play any card that uses mana and then play The Coin to refill an empty mana crystal.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.