Template:Snake Trap strategy

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Snake Trap combos excellently with  Knife Juggler, potentially triggering the minion to throw 3 knives when the trap is triggered. If the knives hit the attacking minion itself, it can even be destroyed mid-attack, preventing it from dealing damage to its target. However, the opponent can still remove the Knife Juggler using a spell or other effect without triggering the Secret.

Snake Trap also works well in conjunction with  Starving Buzzard. If you are able to get your opponent to trigger Snake Trap while Starving Buzzard is on the field, you will draw 3 cards. You can also use Snake Trap in conjunction with  Scavenging Hyena, sacrificing your Snakes by attacking enemy minions in order to buff your Scavenging Hyena with up to +6/+3; or with  King of Beasts for an easy +3 Attack boost.

The weak minions provided by the trap can be useful for synergies such as  Frostwolf Warlord and ongoing effects like  Raid Leader, but are weak against AoE like  Wild Pyromancer and can even work against you in the case of the opponent playing  Unleash the Hounds.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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