Template:Sindragosa (boss) strategy

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Sindragosa's deck is a dragon-themed deck. You can only play up to three minions at a time on the field because of to the 4 permanent  Block of Ice, and her hero powers turn your minions into Block of Ice when her health is reduced below 20 and 10 health points. Keep that board cleared.

Because of the fact that your side of the board can become full very easily due to her hero power, a pirate warrior or rogue deck with lots of weapons works well here. The addition of the legendary rogue weapon  Kingsbane helped to make this fight substantially easier (since you have a basically endless weapon), so if you have it, make sure to use it. Sindragosa also has a lot of medium size minions with 4-6 health and/or attack, so having minions or spells that work well against these will help greatly. Just be sure to keep your side of the board cleared as much as possible. Use your minions to clear her minions, then go face with your weapon. Once she gets below 10 health, however, her hero power becomes "Deal 2 damage". Dealing with your side of the board becoming irreversibly full will no longer be an issue, since her hero power has changed. At this stage, go for face with all of your minions as well as your hero, since chances are you can finish her off in two or three turns this late in the game, or even one turn if you set it up correctly.

An alternative strategy is to try and kill Sindragosa with a single attack that deals 21 or more damage, thus bypassing her hero power entirely; the Priest's  Divine Spirit and  Inner Fire/ Topsy Turvy combination can accomplish this easily, provided that you can keep a minion healthy for one turn. A Dragon Priest deck is perhaps best suited for this, as it avoids the threat of  Dragonfire Potion. Silence Priest can also work, as Sindragosa will almost always ignore minions that can't attack, like  Humongous Razorleaf and  Ancient Watcher.

Because she will most likely have more than one  Unchained Magic cards in her opening hand, try to mulligan out any spells that you don't need for later. A common way that she starts the battle is by using  Unchained Magic, then  The Coin, then another  Unchained Magic, which can be devastating for this early on in the game and can leave you at a serious disadvantage without any immediate healing options.

Boss completion

As the third and final boss of Upper Reaches, defeating Sindragosa unlocks the Frozen Throne and awards the player a Knights of the Frozen Throne card pack.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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