Template:Shadowcaster strategy

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This minion would work well in a deck with minions with powerful Battlecries, Deathrattle or Combo effects, since their value lies in their effects and not their stats, allowing the copy to provide most of the same value again but for only 1 mana. Other effects such as that of  The Lich King or  Gadgetzan Auctioneer can also prove useful, but will be unlikely to survive for long.

Silences can be used to restore the 1/1 copy to its original stats, which can be worthwhile with bigger minions, but will also remove any abilities. Cards that can re-summon the minion like  Moat Lurker and  Corpse Raiser can also be used.

You could fill your board with Shadowcasters using only one copy on the board and in your hand. With  Valeera the Hollow, you can maintain an infinite supply of 1/1 Shadowcasters while still being able to copy one other minion. For example, you can summon  Jade Spirit, copy it with a 1/1 Shadowcaster, then copy that Shadowcaster with the  Shadow Reflection copy to create an infinite combo of Jade Golems every turn.

Shadowcaster has even more effective combos in Wild, such as copies of  Ragnaros the Firelord and  Reno Jackson.  Brann Bronzebeard or  Spirit of the Shark gives them even more power by creating two copies, giving them more flexibility and allowing for setups of even crazier combos.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.