Template:Razorgore the Untamed strategy

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Normal mode

Razorgore's Normal mode hero power The Rookery increases the health of his Corrupted Eggs, then summons another one. These seemingly harmless 0-Attack Eggs will hatch at 4 Health, producing Chromatic Drake.

A good class against this is priest with Silence,  Mass Dispel or  Cabal Shadow Priest to steal the Eggs. The player can then use Health-boosting effects like  Velen's Chosen,  Divine Spirit,  Temple Enforcer's Battlecry and  Dark Cultist's Deathrattle to cause the Eggs to hatch, producing a Chromatic Drake under the control of the player.  Shadow Word: Death and  Big Game Hunter can be used to kill his Chromatic Drakes, while  Shadow Word: Pain can be used to destroy his Corrupted Eggs before they can hatch.

Warrior is also a good choice since AoE attacks such as  Whirlwind can be used to reduce the Corrupted Eggs' Health, and also damage/Enrage minions such as  Grim Patron,  Raging Worgen,  Axe Flinger and  Acolyte of Pain at the same time. If you are using warlock, you can use  Corruption on an Egg on turn 2 (not sure what will happen if used at turn 3) as it will not live to hatch. Paladin with Humility is another option for countering Razorgore's Drakes.

Strong cards include Silence effects,  Mass Dispel,  Velen's Chosen,  Cabal Shadow Priest,  Dark Cultist,  Inner Fire,  Northshire Cleric,  Divine Spirit,  Power Word: Shield,  Shadow Word: Pain,  Shadow Word: Death,  Shadow Word: Horror,  Mossy Horror,  Grim Patron, Enrage minions,  Rampage,  Big Game Hunter,  Nerubian Egg,  Whirlwind,  Execute,  Mind Control Tech,  Wild Pyromancer,  Shadowboxer and  Crazed Alchemist.

Another approach is a simple face rogue deck. You'll need the tempo (e.g.  Backstab,  Shiv,  Fan of Knives,  Assassinate,  Deadly Poison,  Sap) to clear the Corrupted Eggs before they get bigger. Combine this with a good mana curve of cheap, effective/Deathrattle minions, weapons and finally expensive efficient minions like  Chillwind Yeti,  Loatheb,  Sludge Belcher and  Boulderfist Ogre to defeat Razorgore.

While Silence effects can be very useful for defusing individual Eggs, beware that Razorgore's  Bloodlust will still allow him to make use of these seemingly useless minions, making ignoring them entirely a risky strategy unless the player can defeat Razorgore quickly. Alternatively, if you have enough Silences, you can clog his field with the Eggs while providing low attack minions on the field, but having so many Silences whilst fighting off the other minions is hard.  Counterspell can also be used by Mages, though Mages can only reliably obtain 2 Silencing cards (from Neutrals).

Heroic mode

The strategy for Heroic mode is much like that for Normal mode, except that the Eggs are a far more potent threat. The immediate presence of a 0/3 Corrupted Egg means you'll need some form of early game removal/minions to prevent a 7/7 Chromatic Drake on Razorgore's turn 2 (followed another each turn after). This forces a more aggressive approach, and requires some early game options. However, Razorgore will often use cheap minions like  Wolfrider,  Twilight Whelp and  Cruel Taskmaster to remove your minions before they can damage the Eggs.

Removal like  Shadow Word: Death is essential to handle the odd Drake that you can't prevent from spawning. During the early game this can give you breathing room to start populating the board, while in the late game high-powered removal can also be used on Drakonid Crushers and Volcanic Drakes. AoE like  Lightning Storm and  Flamestrike can be useful for removing several Eggs at once, but be aware that each turn The Rookery will grant any surviving Eggs additional Health, potentially undoing your efforts.

While silences such as  Mass Dispel can be very effective in preventing Eggs from hatching, much like in the  Garr encounter, Razorgore has the potential to use  Bloodlust to deal enormous amounts of damage to the player, making this at best a temporary solution. The upside is silences will also remove the Eggs' bonus Health, making them easier to remove, but they remain at best an emergency option. However, since Razorgore summons an Egg at the start of each turn, with numerous silences and enough Taunts to protect your other minions from Bloodlust, this could be an effective trick to clog his board and prevent him from playing any other minions.

As in Normal mode, mind control effects are extremely powerful.  Mind Control Tech is a star player, especially with Razorgore supplementing his Egg forces with other minions, and can even be used to snag Chromatic Drakes and other powerful minions. Once you've stolen an Egg, you can simply wait for The Rookery to hatch it, or you can use more direct Health-increasing means like  Power Word: Shield and  Temple Enforcer to pop it manually. Priests excel in both stealing and hatching Eggs, due to their range of mind control and Health-boosting effects.

A basic strategy for the encounter is to focus on removing/stealing the Eggs each turn, while slowly building your presence on the board. Razorgore's general forces are not especially impressive, and with a solid deck you should be able to gain dominance quite easily - provided you can handle the Eggs. Razorgore doesn't have any AoE removal spells, and only a few direct damage/destroy options like  Cruel Taskmaster,  Blackwing Corruptor,  Wolfrider and  Corruption. This makes it relatively safe to leave damaged minions on the board, allowing you to use weakened minions to trade for Eggs or go face, and higher Health minions to trade with Razorgore's other minions.

Guides and decklists


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