Template:Plaguebringer strategy

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The best use for Plaguebringer is proactively granting Poisonous to a token minion which can attack immediately, such as  Stonetusk Boar, or has Divine Shield, such as  Argent Squire. This will let you trade up with an enemy and summon a 3/3 as well. Certain minions with triggered effects, such as  Knife Juggler or  Wild Pyromancer, may also benefit from Poisonous, while the others, such as  Imp Master, are bad targets.

Plaguebringer can also be played on a minion while you're ahead, threatening your opponent if they want to play a large minion. This works especially well on Stealth minions such as  Jungle Panther, protecting it from minion attacks and single-target removal.

Note that you can't combo Plaguebringer with  Betrayal since only friendly minions can be targeted.

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