Template:Oasis Snapjaw strategy

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Oasis Snapjaw's main advantage its unusually high Health for its cost. Thus, it has synergy with cards that give Taunt like  Ancestral Healing,  Mark of the Wild,  Houndmaster,  Defender of Argus or  Sunfury Protector. It can also be valuable for priests, whose  Lesser Heal can repeatedly heal the Snapjaw back to full Health with small risk of it being destroyed.

It also works well in combination with  Inner Fire and  Crazed Alchemist, converting its Health into Attack.  Divine Spirit is also very useful with this minion, especially if combined with  Inner Fire or a taunt effect.

For a hunter going second, using  The Coin to get this out on turn three with a  Houndmaster in your hand makes for a very strong 4/9 Taunt minion on turn four.

However, if you don't plan to buff the minion,  Stegodon is a better alternative, trading just a single point of Health for Taunt, providing an immediate use for the high health pool.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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