Template:Mind Control strategy

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Mind Control is the only targeted mind control effect that can be used on minions with more than 3 Attack. This makes Mind Control by far the most powerful mind control effect in the game, and one of the most powerful and potentially game-changing cards in the priest's arsenal. Ideally, reserve it for use upon especially powerful minions.

Being among the strongest cards in priest's basic cards, new players should always assume that their opponent will have at least one Mind Control in their deck when playing against priest. While this is not necessarily true, because of the power of Mind Control, players will often choose to expect its use, and alter their actions accordingly.

Most importantly, this affects buffing a single minion to extreme levels and the summoning of very powerful minions, especially legendaries. For example, a player tempted to play  Deathwing may choose not to if he is playing against a priest (unless the priest has already used 2 x Mind Control) due to the risk of the priest Mind-Controlling Deathwing and defeating the player. A  C'Thun of 15 - 20 attack could spell doom for the opponent if the Battlecry does not succeed in killing the priest. The priest taking an opponent's sticky cards like  Rattlegore can instantly give them board control. Even if the priest currently has no cards in their hand, experienced players can easily do the maths to predict the chance of the priest drawing it next turn, and swiftly defeating the player. For this reason, when playing against priests, very powerful minions can often become a burden, with the player not wanting to play them until they are certain that the priest cannot take control of it.

Mind Control does not become available until late into the game. Players can use this knowledge to anticipate its use. Essentially, once round 10 has been reached, it is possible that the priest will use Mind Control at any time. Note that use of  The Coin can allow its use on round 9. Some priests may be particularly likely to play Mind Control on round 10, due to their eagerness to make use of the card. This can be helpful to their opponent, as they may not have yet played their most valuable minions by that point.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.