Template:Mind Blast strategy

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While Mind Blast may seem cheap for such a large amount of damage, remember that it is locked to the enemy hero, and unlike  Holy Smite cannot be used to affect any other target.

Mind Blast is one of the only cards which can be used by priests to 'nuke' opponents. Mind Blast x2 can deal 10 damage for only 4 mana; improved with Spell Damage or in combination with other spells or minion attacks, a priest with the right cards can easily take a low-health opponent by surprise.

Easily the deadliest card that can combine with Mind Blast is  Prophet Velen; with 9 mana you can drop Velen and use Mind Blast on the same turn to effectively  Pyroblast the enemy hero while also adding a 7/7 to the board. Mind Blast is the core of one turn kill combo decks involving Velen, using many varying setups such as  Flash Heal,  Embrace the Shadow and  Emperor Thaurissan or  Lesser Diamond Spellstone,  Radiant Elemental, and  Vivid Nightmare.

Since being moved to the Wild format, it's main use is in combo decks. It aims to gain multiple copies of Mind Blast through  Shadow Visions, Reduce their cost with  Emperor Thaurissan, and combo them with  Prophet Velen for up to 40 damage to the enemy hero.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.