Template:Lord Slitherspear strategy

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Since Hungry Nagas only have 1 health, Mage is a natural choice of class for the fight. The class has a number of 1 damage abilities, such as  Arcane Explosion, as well as the  Fireblast hero power, that will deal with the Nagas.

It is in the player's interest to take the board quickly, in order to destroy the  Cauldron as soon as possible and change the boss' hero power to a less dangerous one.  Enraged! not only costs the boss 2 mana each turn, it can also be completely shut out by freezing the boss with minions like  Snowchugger or  Water Elemental.


In Heroic mode, the increased health makes it much more difficult to deal with the Nagas. Since the boss' hero power is auto-cast,  Saboteur is an excellent card, causing the boss to lose its hero power for a turn (or losing a lot of tempo if played after turn 5).

Between the hero power, that stays for the entire duration of the fight, and the better boss cards, it is nearly impossible to outvalue the boss in the long run. Instead, it is easier to go with an aggro deck like Face Hunter and race the boss for damage output.  Explosive Trap can deal with the first few Nagas, while a few Silence effects like  Ironbeak Owl will be necessary to go through Slithering Guard for the last few points of damage.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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