Template:Gazlowe strategy

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Spare Parts are all 1 mana spells. You can use minions like  Mech-Bear-Cat and  Mechanical Yeti to generate them. Gazlowe would fit in a paladin deck, because of the paladin's high number of 1-mana spells, such as  Noble Sacrifice, among the other Paladin secrets. Several shaman decks utilize  Earth Shock and  Lightning Bolt, allowing for synergy with Gazlowe.

In terms of specific class cards, all classes have at least one 1 mana spell, such as  Whirlwind,  Mirror Image, and  Mortal Coil. In terms of class-specific cards, the Paladin, with 9 1 mana spells, the majority of which are utility effects and secrets, allows Gazlowe to work well. However, Gazlowe is difficult to make a functional deck around, as it bears the burden of needing all the 1 mana spells that class has, and many spare part cards in order to gain full value. As a result, decks centred around Gazlowe often result in gimmicky and ineffective decks.

Gazlowe often needs to have the spells played as soon as he enters play, in order to gain value. Cards which are frequently used, such as  Desperate Measures,  Twin Slice and  Tome of Intellect are best used to fit into decks with Gazlowe in them.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

GVG 117.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.