Template:Furious Ettin strategy

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In Standard, the Furious Ettin is comparable to the  Amani War Bear, trading the beast tribe and rush attribute for 2 more health. While this makes Amani War Bear better in aggressive decks, Furious Ettin is more at-home in defensive or Priest decks, who can increase its potency with buffs like  Inner Fire, and healing its large HP pool to keep it in the game longer. Unlike similar high-health high-cost minions, this minion's 5 attack means it can deal with several opposing mid-sized minions before going down.  Ancient of War is almost strictly better than Furious Ettin, as it can choose to be a 5/10. The only downsides to using Ancient of War is that it is vulnerable to Silence, and cannot be resurrected by  Hadronox.

In Arena

Furious Ettin can be very effective in Arena due to its favourable stat distribution; it can remove multiple minions, resulting in a card advantage for you. Even when killed with hard removal, you still gain advantage as you know that opponent has one less removal for the rest of the game.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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