Template:Frost Lich Jaina strategy

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While Frost Lich Jaina has very little immediate effect for her high 9 Mana cost, only summoning a 4 Mana  Water Elemental, her true power comes in time. Upon activation, Frost Lich Jaina provides all Elementals you control Lifesteal for the rest of the game, including the Water Elemental you just summoned. In addition Jaina's hero power  Icy Touch is a straight upgrade to  Fireblast, summoning a  Water Elemental each time it kills a minion. Thanks to these two factors, within a few turns you will not only be overrunning the board with Water Elementals, but their Lifesteal will bring you back to high health.

Frost Lich Jaina works best in slow, control-focused decks. These include decks that use  Ice Block in an attempt to stall out the opponent, either to finish them off with a powerful combo such as  Alexstrasza and  Pyroblast or to use  Open the Waygate and perform an OTK.

While it's not necessary to run Frost Lich Jaina alongside other Elementals, they certainly don't hurt.  Pyros can provide a consistent minion on the board, and its 10/10 form can provide you with devastating Lifesteal, assuming you can keep it alive. In addition, Baron Geddon's damaging effect has Lifesteal as well, meaning for each character it damages for 2 health, you'll be restored by the total amount of damage dealt.  Tar Creeper is also a great stalling tactic, as it will not only block attacks but also heal you 3 health each time an opponent attacks it on their turn.

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ICC 833.png

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