Template:Fist of Jaraxxus notes

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  • This spell's effect will activate if it is played, or discarded from the hand. It will not activate if directly removed from the game through effects such  Fel Reaver or  Tracking, or attempting to draw the card with a full hand.[1]
  • If Fist of Jaraxxus is countered by  Counterspell, nothing will happen.[2]
  • If you play  Deathwing with Fist of Jaraxxus in your hand, the Fist will only be able to hit the enemy hero.[3] This is because random damage effects ignore pending destroy minions, even though they are still in play.
  • Even when triggered by being discarded, Fist of Jaraxxus is affected by Spell Damage and  Prophet Velen bonuses.

This template contains notes for these cards.

AT 022.png

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