Template:Defile notes

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  • If Defile kills a minion with Deathrattle, the Deathrattle will resolve before the next recast of Defile. That means if the Deathrattle summons more minions, they too will ultimately be damaged.
  • If Defile causes itself to be cast repeatedly, these additional "recasts" will not count as having been cast by the controlling player, and will therefore not trigger effects such as those of  Gadgetzan Auctioneer nor add to the spell count of  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End.[1] Neither will it trigger  Archmage Antonidas, which can be obtained, for example, through  Kabal Courier.
  • Spell Damage effects on Defile will be recalculated for each subsequent recast, meaning that if a minion with Spell Damage dies from Defile, their effect will not carry over on the subsequent recasts.
  • Due to the potential for an infinite loop when combining Defile and  Grim Patron, Defile can re-cast itself 13 times, after the 14th cast, it will stop.[2][3]
  • Similarly, having an Immune  Necrotic Geist and an Immune source of Spell Damage will also result in 14 recasts. With an Immune  Knife Juggler, this can be used for an OTK combo [4]

This template contains notes for these cards.

ICC 041.png

Usually note templates are only created when the card's note is intended to be recycled in multiple articles, so that when you edit this template, all notes of this card on every page will be updated simultaneously.

  1. Matt Place on Twitter (X). (2017-07-28). 
  2. Puffin on reddit. (2017-07-29). Retrieved on 2017-07-30.
  3. Peter Whalen on Twitter (X). (2017-07-30). 
  4. [1] Defile OTK Combo - YouTube