Template:Brawl strategy

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Brawl is both highly tactical, and wildly unpredictable. The outlook for the card depends entirely on the minions currently on the battlefield. If the board is dominated by your opponent, it can be a very effective way to reduce the pressure. Generally speaking, the card offers an advantage to whichever player has the fewer or less valuable minions on the field. Due to Warriors having very good access to weapons, a single attack on the surviving minion is often all that is needed to completely reset the board, with the warrior's Hero Power allowing them to absorb damage they expose themselves to.

Brawl is one of the most random cards in the game, and should not be played without consideration of the many possible outcomes. The major use of Brawl is for countering a substantial minion disadvantage. Note that the card does not require you to have any minions on the field; it can be played against 7 enemy minions, and will simply destroy all but one of them, regardless of their health or abilities, for only 5 mana. In this situation, it is extremely effective.

Other uses of Brawl include playing it when you have one or several weak minions, in order to have a good chance of removing a single, very powerful enemy minion. However, this of course has the potential to backfire badly.

At the cost of just 5 mana crystals it can also be used early in the game as a hard wipe when your starting draw is significantly weaker than your opponents, which is often the case versus aggro decks.

Because Brawl is a destroy effect similar to  Twisting Nether, it is ineffective at removing sticky Deathrattle minions like  Harvest Golem and  Savannah Highmane, but highly effective against minions with Divine Shield.

If played while having  Sylvanas Windrunner on the battlefield, Brawl has a very powerful effect. In this case, you will most certainly clear the entire battlefield while keeping one minion for yourself, whether this is Sylvanas or the minion she took control of.

When playing Brawl, remember to take into account the lengthy animation, and leave yourself enough time to take any actions afterwards, especially as you will unable to do so during it.


Assume your weakest minion or your opponent's strongest one will survive. 1-2 Deathrattles will at least offset the minion loss. If you anticipate a Brawl, make sure the turn after puts solid minions on the board.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.