Template:Blood-Queen Lana'thel (boss) strategy

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Each turn, if your Hero Power is not  Vampiric Bite, Lana'thel will play Bite of the Blood-Queen to turn your Hero Power into it, starting from the very first turn, meaning that changing your Hero Power such as through  Baku the Mooneater,  Genn Greymane or  Sir Finley of the Sands or other such cards are unlikely to retain the better Hero Power for more than a turn.

This whole fight is about your new hero power, +2/+2 for 0 mana is a huge boost, the only catch is that you are forced to use it each turn (unless there are no possible targets on the board) and each minion can only be affected by it once. Playing at least one minion each turn solves that problem, but be wary of her 2  Blood Essence spells, which turn 2 minions in your hand to spells.

Blood Queen runs 12 demons(+summoned imps) and 6 non-demons as well as 2 Imp-losions and 3 Demonwraths, so countering her with a demon-zoolock with addition of cards such as  Light's Champion and  Sacrificial Pact is one idea.

Generally any zoo deck will work here. You should also consider adding some cards that benefits from being buffed such as:  Rat Pack,  Meanstreet Marshal,  Dragon Egg,  Runic Egg,  Echoing Ooze,  Nerubian Egg,  Devilsaur Egg,  Stoneskin Gargoyle,  Meat Wagon or any minion with Charge, Lifesteal, Windfury or Taunt.

Additionally since you are going to be using hero power every turn any Inspire cards have a higher value here as well as  Frost Giant and  Poisoned Blade.

A card that will continuously generate minions each round such as  Moroes or  Hogger can be invaluble here, as long as the player can keep their health up for long enough before Lana'thel's spells and the Despicable Dreadlord can overwhelm the player.  Moroes in particular can be incredibly powerful in this fight as of together with the fact that he is stealthed, the stewards that he spawns will often have a lower priority than the player itself and make for an excellent candidate to bite together with Moroes himself.

Blood-Queen Lana'thel's boss fight can be easily trivialized with Jade Druid or  Pogo-Hopper Rogue decks, as you can quickly summon low-cost minions which increase in power with each summon, eventually becoming strong enough to overwhelm Lana'thel's forces. The Pogo-Hopper strategy is especially effective as Rogues can quickly shuffle more Pogo-Hoppers into their deck using  Gang Up,  Lab Recruiter and  Togwaggle's Scheme, or replay the Pogo-Hoppers via  Shadowstep or  Daring Escape to give them an extra Battlecry buff or gain a better target to bite if you are running out of minions.

Boss completion

As the first boss of Upper Reaches, defeating Blood-Queen Lana'thel unlocks the second boss, Professor Putricide.

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