Template:Big Bad Wolf (encounter) strategy

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There are many ways to cheat the Hero Power or even make it work in your favor.

  • The Hero Power only sets minions played from the hand to 1/1. Minions summoned through spells, Battlecries or Choose One effects have normal stats. Therefore, it is beneficial to have minions that summon other minions. For example, playing  Onyxia provides up to seven 1/1s (including Onyxia herself) for only 1 mana.
  • The Hero Power's effect is applied before the activation of any Battlecry. This means that stat-boosting Battlecries can provide excellent value. For example, a  Frostwolf Warlord played with 6 other minions on the board will result in a 7/7 for 1 mana.
  • A minion that transforms as part of its Battlecry or Choose One effect becomes a full version of its transformed state. For example, playing a  Druid of the Claw produces a full 4/4 Charge or 4/6 Taunt minion for only 1 mana.
  • Minions whose abilities are more valuable than their stats can be played early, even as early as turn 1.


In Heroic mode, the Big Bad Wolf will always start with three Kindly Grandmothers on the board. Your primary concern will be to clear the board as quickly as possible before the boss has the chance to play  Savage Roar or  Power of the Wild.

Originally, one of the easiest ways to defeat the Big Bad Wolf was to use  Explosive Trap to trigger the Kindly Grandmothers' deathrattles, followed by playing  Abomination afterwards; the AI would refuse to attack the Abomination, since this would result in clearing its own board, allowing the player to finish the boss off with their own minions. Although a hotfix on August 25, 2016 corrected an AI issue with Abominations for several boss encounters, this strategy may still be effective for dealing with the initial three Kindly Grandmothers.

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KARA 05 01h.png

Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.