Template:Anub'Rekhan strategy

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On Normal difficulty, the key to defeating Anub'Rekhan is to not get overrun in the early game. His 2-cost 3/1 Nerubian will trade efficiently with most of your cheap minions, and  Nerub'ar Weblord will make it considerably harder to play minions like  Novice Engineer or  Elven Archer. In addition, Anub'Rekhan has spells like  Frostbolt and  Mortal Coil and minions like  Haunted Creeper to ensure he has complete control of the board in the early stages.

Thus, if you cannot play your own minions, the only way to survive is to eliminate his early minions. The best classes for this are mage and rogue. Mage's Hero Power can destroy his 3/1 Nerubian, negating Anub'Rekhan's otherwise very powerful Hero Power. The mage also should take advantage of spells like  Arcane Missiles,  Arcane Explosion, and of course  Frostbolt to keep his minions off the board. Turn 3 Secrets are also a good way to prolong and secure your survival. Rogues can also use their Hero Power to eliminate Nerubians (although it will cost some Health), and should make use of  Backstab,  Deadly Poison,  Shiv,  Blade Flurry,  Fan of Knives, and  SI:7 Agent to avoid getting overrun.

If you can make it to turn 4 or 5 with either of these classes without losing much Health, then you have pretty much won. Anub'Rekhan does not have much of a late game. He may put up cards like  Deathlord or  Abomination to try to stop you. Rogues should  Assassinate or  Eviscerate these cards, as they can take advantage of the positive Deathrattles. Mages can use  Fireball or  Ice Lance to kill these cards if they really want or need the Deathrattle effect, but it is often better to save those cards for the endgame and just use  Polymorph to be done with it. Anub'Rekhan may also play  Shade of Naxxramas, but you need not worry too much about it as it develops slowly and is in general easy to deal with after its Stealth is broken.

Once you get to turns 6 and 7, you begin to have access to some powerful minions, combos, and (for mages) board clears that Anub'Rekhan has no answer to. Taunt minions are especially effective, because he has to run all his puny minions into them, which will probably flip board control in your favor. The best is probably  Sunwalker, which would take all 3 of his  Locust Swarm spells to destroy, and her 4 attack will crush most of his minions. Anub'Rekhan also has no hard removal in his deck, so he will likely not be able to remove late game threats with high Health, such as  Gruul,  Ragnaros the Firelord, giants, any of the dragons, and even common cards like  Boulderfist Ogre. Make sure you have some powerful minions like those in your deck to get board control and chip away at his Health. Once you get his Health low enough, finish him with  Fireball or  Leeroy Jenkins.

Hunter can be a viable class to use as well, thanks to cards like  Arcane Shot,  Explosive Trap,  Eaglehorn Bow and  Unleash the Hounds being useful in staying competitive early. However, be warned that Anub'Rekhan can play  Nerubian Egg, which could punish you for an early  Explosive Trap.  Emperor Cobra,  Hunter's Mark and  Deadly Shot are strong options to deal with an early drop of  Deathlord, which can provide the hunter with a quick minion advantage.


Please note: most of the above strategies for Normal mode also apply to Heroic mode, with minor changes. Below are some alternative strategies for Heroic mode.

One approach is to build a paladin deck with lots of Battlecry healing effects, weapons, and cards that lower minions' Attack to 1. Essentially, you want to fill the boss side with 1 Attack minions so that he cannot summon anything larger. Once Anub'Rekhan's side is full (7 minions) you can focus on self-healing and using weapons to directly attack him.


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