Anub'Rekhan (boss)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Anub'Rekhan, Anub'Rekhan (An Evil Exchange).

Anub'Rekhan is a boss in the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. He is the first boss of the adventure's first wing, the Arachnid Quarter.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]

Normal Heroic
Summoned minions

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Locust Swarm

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Normal and Heroic

Class Card Quantity
Boss  Deathcharger 2
 Locust Swarm 3
Mage  Frostbolt 2
Rogue  Anub'ar Ambusher 2
Warlock  Mortal Coil 2
 Shadow Bolt 2
 Shadowflame 1
Neutral  Crazed Alchemist 2
 Haunted Creeper 2
 Nerub'ar Weblord 2
 Nerubian Egg 2
 Deathlord 2
 Shade of Naxxramas 2
 Stoneskin Gargoyle 2
 Abomination 2

Tips[edit | edit source]


  • Try not to get overrun in the early game.
  • Anub'Rekhan's 2-cost 3/1 Nerubian will trade efficiently with most of your cheap minions, and  Nerub'ar Weblord will make it considerably harder to play Battlecry minions.
  • Anub'Rekhan has spells like  Frostbolt and  Mortal Coil and minions like  Haunted Creeper to ensure control of the board in the early stages.
  • If you cannot play your own minions, try to eliminate his early minions.
  • The best classes for this are mage and rogue. Mage's Hero Power can destroy his 3/1 Nerubian, negating Anub'Rekhan's Hero Power.
  • Making it to turn 4 or 5 with either of these classes without losing much Health increases chances of victory.
    • Anub'Rekhan does not have much of a late game, with his biggest cards being  Deathlord and  Abomination.
  • In later turns, Anub'Rekhan has no answer to big minions. Taunt minions are effective in keeping the board under control.
  • Hunter can be a viable class to use as well, thanks to cards like  Arcane Shot,  Explosive Trap,  Eaglehorn Bow and  Unleash the Hounds being useful in staying competitive early.


Please note: most of the above strategies for Normal mode also apply to Heroic mode, with minor changes. Below are some alternative strategies for Heroic mode.

  • One approach is to build a paladin deck with lots of Battlecry healing effects, weapons, and cards that lower minions' Attack to 1. Essentially, you want to fill the boss side with 1 Attack minions so that he cannot summon anything larger. Once Anub'Rekhan's side is full (7 minions) you can focus on self-healing and using weapons to directly attack him.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Rewards[edit | edit source]

Haunted Creeper

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

▶️Anub'Rekhan is one of my finest Spider Lords. Good luck, interloper.


▶️Welcome to my parlor.

Emote Response

▶️It speaks!

Hero Power

▶️Closer now, tasty morsels!

 Locust Swarm

▶️Just a little taste!


▶️Why... oh... why?
▶️NOOO!!! I mean.... Irrelevant. You'll never defeat the Grand Widow.

Lore[edit | edit source]

The Arachnid Quarter houses undead nerubians, an ancient race of intelligent arachnoid beings. Normally highly reclusive and suspicious of outsiders, living nerubians fought valiantly against the undead Scourge, but were overwhelmed by their numbers. While living nerubians were immune to the undead plague, nothing could prevent the Lich King from bringing back the fallen to join the Scourge in undeath.

One of the minions raised by the Lich King was the Crypt Lord Anub'Rekhan. In life, he was one of the nerubians’ most powerful lords. Now, he guards the doors of the Arachnid Quarter.[1]

In World of Warcraft

"Anub'Rekhan, one of the finest Spider Lords of Azjol'Nerub, was brought under control of the Scourge when he and his commander, Anub'arak, were finally defeated by the Lich King many years ago. It is said he was the most loyal of Anub'arak's commanders."
- Commander Eligor Dawnbringer

Trivia[edit | edit source]

"Anub'Rekhan is scary on the outside, thoughtful on the inside and also chitinous on the outside and then squishy when we're talking about his insides again."[2]


Patch changes

References[edit | edit source]