Template:Acolyte of Pain strategy

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Acolyte of Pain is a minion with a card draw mechanic. Any effect or attack which deals damage to the minion will cause the controlling player to draw a card, even if the damage kills the Acolyte. The Acolyte is therefore best defeated using a destroy effect which directly destroys the minion, without dealing damage to it. If this is not possible, defeat him with a single strike, so that only one card is drawn.

Unlike most minions, the aim of playing the Acolyte is not to keep him alive; rather it is to deal him damage as slowly as possible, drawing as many cards as possible. Ideally, ensure that he receives damage a single point at a time, and if possible heal or buff him so as to extend his life. Attacking 1 Attack minions is an excellent use of the Acolyte.

Mages can damage Acolytes directly through their hero power  Fireblast, allowing them to directly trade 2 mana for a new card. While this ensures good draw (as long as the Acolyte isn't killed by another source in the meantime) it is also costly, with a total mana cost of 5 mana for 2 new cards. Using the Acolyte to destroy 1/1 minions is a cheaper and far more beneficial technique.

This card is a strong addition to Patron Warrior decks, which contain many cards that can deal one point of damage to it.

Acolyte of Pain can be a strong addition to minion-heavy Grimy Goon decks, likely drawing several more cards compared to similar understatted drawing minions such as  Loot Hoarder and  Novice Engineer, thus allowing the deck to better cycle and continue buffing.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.