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Reffuh is an uncollectible demon hunter/hunter minion card, summoned by  Demon Companion, from the Scholomance Academy set.

Summoned by[edit | edit source]

Demon Companion

Lore[edit | edit source]

Reffuh is a felstalker.

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Felstalkers are vicious demonic beasts, and a recently discovered variation of the  Felhound. Unlike the vampiric felhounds, who use their long tentacles to drain the magic and life force from their enemies, the faster and more coordinated felstalkers focus more on being pack hunters, utilizing a crude form of pack communication and mainly using their teeth and claws to inflict physical attacks. Some felstalkers are still capable of devouring magic, but need to charge up before doing so, allowing opponents time to get out of their limited range, while others have infectious and disease-ridden bites laced with "all sorts of foul magics".
Some felstalkers have been broken by the Illidari for use against the Burning Legion. Demonology warlocks can also summon dreadstalkers, some of which are ridden by imps. It was always a wonder to outsiders how certain vrykul warlocks managed to summon and command enormous packs of felstalkers.

Sounds[edit | edit source]

  • ▶️ SCH_600t1_Reffuh_Play.wav <summon sound>
  • ▶️ SCH_600t1_Reffuh_Attack.wav <attack sound>
  • ▶️ SCH_600t1_Reffuh_Death.wav <death sound>

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Reffuh, full art

Patch changes

Card changes