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Eggs are a nickname given to minions with similar abilities: they feature 0 Attack, and a Deathrattle effect far above their mana cost. Most also have 'egg' in their name, although not all egg-like cards are eggs and not all cards that are eggs are "egg" effects.

Egg cards[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
RLK 833.png
KAR 029.png
GIL 816.png
SCH 147.png
FP1 007.png
CORE FP1 007.png
TRL 503.png
ULD 174.png
UNG 083.png
TOY 351.png
DRG 086.png
BOT 537.png

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Eggs are great cards for Zoo decks, which want to control the board. Eggs contribute to this by providing a benefit above their original mana cost once broken. On a baseline, they are a great way to deter your opponent from using board control against you. However, they become most useful when the minion's original stats are made use of, such as by cards like  Abusive Sergeant,  Power Overwhelming, or  Grim Rally.

Eggs can also be powerful when combined with Deathrattle-activation effects, like  Necrium Blade and  Play Dead.

Despite their incredible power in the right circumstances, eggs are some of the worst top decks an aggressive deck can have. Because of this, they are traditionally most commonly used in Warlock thanks to both Warlock's strong synergy and  Life Tap making up for the inherent inconsistency of the cards, or Deathrattle Hunter in Wild.

Notes[edit | edit source]