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Sparkle is a bartender in Battlegrounds.

Hero skin of

TB BaconShopBob.png

How to get

Sparkle is currently unavailable for obtaining.

Previous availability

Sparkle used to be obtainable through these means.

Bundle Buy the Lunar New Year Battlegrounds Bundle in the Shop from January 30, 2024 until February 13, 2024 for $24.99 or 2500 Runestone.pngRunestones.
Bundle Buy the Lunar New Year Battlegrounds Bundle in the Shop from January 30, 2024 until February 13, 2024 for $24.99 or 2500 Runestone.pngRunestones.


Player actionsTranscript
Freezing [1]▶️Hold it right there.
Freezing [2]▶️I wish I had a warmer and cozier way of keeping these minions here.
Selling [1]▶️A good leader knows when it's time to retire their soldiers.
Selling [2]▶️Bye, take care.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [1]▶️Now you're going to get minions who are even taller than me.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [2]▶️Mama would have called that a good investment.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [3]▶️That's right. Don't fear change.
Final Upgrading Tavern Tier [1]▶️Know thy enemy as you know thy shop.
Getting a Triple [1]▶️They be combined so we have more free seats.
Getting a Triple [2]▶️Could you find two more of me so I could get taller?
Getting a Triple [3]▶️Solid, sparkling gold.!
Shop to Combat [1]▶️Looks like all your training's paying off.
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Whoa. You can do all that without even breathing fire?
Shop to Combat [3]▶️Mama said not to count your hatchlings before they hatch but... you're in great shape.
Selecting in Collection▶️I might be named Sparkle, but I know you'll shine.
At the 8th place [1]▶️in hard times just meditate... Is it working?
At the 8th place [2]▶️No biggie. A journey of a thousand steps begins with... Wait, no, That's not the saying.
At the 8th place [3]▶️Don't worry. Your fortune said you'll have great health this year.
At the 8th place [4]▶️Just getting ready to turn the tables.
At the 8th place [5]▶️You're still keeping pace. You'll get them next time.
Combat loss to shop [1]▶️How'd they get so strong so quick?
Combat loss to shop [2]▶️Hey, it's okay. We'll make a bigger offering to the ancestors next time.
Combat loss to shop [3]▶️Their minions definitely ate some longevity noodles.
Combat win to shop [1]▶️Haha! Now that was simply dazzling.
Combat win to shop [2]▶️When I grow up, I want to be just like you.
Combat win to shop [3]▶️Bang ba bush. That's what your warband sounded like.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [1]▶️You're the best I've ever seen. And I was hatched six whole weeks ago.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [2]▶️These are the makings of the warriors of legend.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [3]▶️If only my claws were bigger, I'd high five you right now.
Flavor [1]▶️Worst customer I ever had called me a worm. The nerf.
Flavor [2]▶️I was hatched in Kunnai summit. Weather's nicer here.
Flavor [3]▶️Hot take. I like shrimp dumplings better than pork dumplings. Sue me.
Flavor [4]▶️Sometimes I think these minions don't respect me since I'm small.
Flavor [5]▶️So how'd you earn enough gold to keep hiring these minions?
Flavor [6]▶️Want your fortune? Don't worry. I'll give you a good one.
Flavor [7]▶️I wonder how everyone's doing back home.
Flavor [8]▶️Did you know Yin's the black part and Yang's the white? I always get those mixed up.
Flavor [9]▶️if I'm a cloud serpent, and Naga are sea serpents. Who are the lamb serpents?
Flavor [10]▶️
Combat to Shop [1]▶️You're gonna knock him dead. That's a proverb by the great philosopher Sparkle.
Combat to Shop [2]▶️What's the difference between a dragon and a cloud serpent? Dunno. We're all pretty cool.
Combat to Shop [3]▶️Float like a shimmer. Fly sting like beeeze.
Haven't bought a minion yet [1]▶️This one ate well, which means it can fight well.
Haven't bought a minion yet [2]▶️This one will fight for honor and gold. But mostly honor.
Idling [1]▶️Are you meditating? Oh, shoot. I got to be quiet then.
Idling [2]▶️Have you ever folded a paper lantern? I'm pretty sure building war bands is simpler.
Idling [3]▶️...Oh, don't mind me. Just practicing my fire breathing.
Idling [4]▶️Take your time. It's not speed that wins the race, but cleverness.
Idling [5]▶️If I could stay as still as you, I could balance a water bucket on my head.
Start of Game [1]▶️New battle, new you.
Start of Game [2]▶️There's our champ in the making.
Start of Game [3]▶️Ready to stomp them?
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [1]▶️That one looks almost as strong as my mama.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [2]▶️Bet this one could even scale Mount Neverest.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [3]▶️Is this what they call peak performance?
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [1]▶️I bet this one's in their training arc.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [2]▶️Balance in all things. But especially warbands.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [3]▶️Ooh, that one has great potential.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [1]▶️Never underestimate the little ones.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [2]▶️Meh, I could take them.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [3]▶️I can relate to this one. I feel like we've both been stepped on.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️All right. No matter what happens, keep your balance.
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Wait. You forgot the steam buns you ordered.
Seeing a Triple [1]▶️Ooh. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Seeing a Triple [2]▶️Your ancestors must be watching over you.
Seeing a Triple [3]▶️Three rice cakes is better than two.
Start of Game as  Alexstrasza▶️Wow, you're majestic! Just like Mama.
Start of Game as  Master Nguyen▶️Whoa, mister, you're just as far from home as I am.

Patch changes

External links