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You might be looking for one of these cards: Griftah.
This content is only for Battlegrounds.

Griftah is a bartender in Battlegrounds.

Hero skin of

TB BaconShopBob.png

How to get

Paid Track Battlegrounds Season 8 Paid Track, level 22.


Player actionsTranscript
Freezing [1]▶️They'll be here when you need them.
Freezing [2]▶️I'll hold on to these for you.
Selling [1]▶️I'll take that off your hands.
Selling [2]▶️Sold!
Upgrading Tavern Tier [1]▶️So many new options for your consideration.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [2]▶️A wise decision.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [3]▶️You're clearly an educated consumer.
Final Upgrading Tavern Tier [1]▶️Hey, big spender.
Getting a Triple [1]▶️Here you go.
Getting a Triple [2]▶️It's a done deal.
Getting a Triple [3]▶️A purchase to remember.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️Look at you go. No one can keep up with you.
Shop to Combat [2]▶️You continue to impress me.
Shop to Combat [3]▶️I'm blown away by how far you've come.
Selecting in Collection▶️Great choice. The customer is always right after all.
At the 8th place [1]▶️There's still time to turn this around.
At the 8th place [2]▶️Don't lose hope.
At the 8th place [3]▶️We keep moving forward.
At the 8th place [4]▶️You can't give up now. I know you can do this.
At the 8th place [5]▶️Don't be discouraged. Now is the time to gather your strength.
Combat loss to shop [1]▶️You were robbed of victory, but you can always try again.
Combat loss to shop [2]▶️Tough luck.
Combat loss to shop [3]▶️Keep your chin up.
Combat win to shop [1]▶️Another clash, another coin. I always sayю
Combat win to shop [2]▶️Your hard work and determination really paid off.
Combat win to shop [3]▶️Another satisfied customer.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [1]▶️First place. I always knew you could do it.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [2]▶️Your skills are unmatched!
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [3]▶️Amazing! First place is no small feat.
Flavor [1]▶️It's important to keep an organized inventory.
Flavor [2]▶️Always be selling!
Flavor [3]▶️I only sell items of the highest quality. I swear.
Flavor [4]▶️I never pass up a good deal.
Flavor [5]▶️Can I interest you in a souvenir keychain? No?
Flavor [6]▶️I take great offense to those calling me a con man.
Flavor [7]▶️Trash or treasure, it all comes with a price.
Flavor [8]▶️Customer satisfaction is my top priority.
Flavor [9]▶️I'm committed to quality.
Flavor [10]▶️You've really become like a business partner to me.
Combat to Shop [1]▶️I appreciate your continued patronage.
Combat to Shop [2]▶️Welcome back.
Combat to Shop [3]▶️How are you faring out there?
Haven't bought a minion yet [1]▶️A new minion might improve your chances.
Haven't bought a minion yet [2]▶️Why not hire one of these fine... whatever they are?
Idling [1]▶️Too many great deals to choose from, eh?
Idling [2]▶️Don't be stingy now.
Idling [3]▶️Anything I can help you with?
Idling [4]▶️Considering your options?
Idling [5]▶️It can be difficult to decide, but it's essential that you do.
Start of Game [1]▶️Let's see what's in store for us this time.
Start of Game [2]▶️Time to seal the deal! Victory belongs to you.
Start of Game [3]▶️Don't sell yourself short. You can win this.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [1]▶️That will pay for itself in no time.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [2]▶️I knew you couldn't resist something special.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [3]▶️You have exceptional taste.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [1]▶️An excellent addition to your team.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [2]▶️Wise choice.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [3]▶️Your strength grows.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [1]▶️A good place to start.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [2]▶️That one will serve you well.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [3]▶️You will fight together famously.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️Keep your wits about you.
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Don't lose focus. I know you can win this.
Seeing a Triple [1]▶️Good things come in threes.
Seeing a Triple [2]▶️The package deals ready for you.
Seeing a Triple [3]▶️It's even better than a group discount.
Start of Game as  Silas Darkmoon▶️Ah, Silas! Haven't seen you since the Faire.
Start of Game as  Rock Master Voone▶️I wonder if you'll ever receive praise from the Loa, eh?


Patch changes

Card changes

External links