Elder Starsong

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Elder Starsong is a bartender in Battlegrounds.

Hero skin of

TB BaconShopBob.png

How to get

Bundle Buy the Elder Starsong in the Shop for 500 Runestone.pngRunestones.

Previous availability

Elder Starsong used to be obtainable through these means.

Bundle Buy the Elder Starsong in the Shop from November 14, 2023 until December 5, 2023 for $6.99 or 700 Runestone.pngRunestones.
Custom Purchase individually in the Shop starting from February 1, 2022 until March 14, 2022 for $9.99.[1]


Player actionsTranscript
Freezing [1]▶️I will watch over these for you.
Freezing [2]▶️An interesting maneuver.
Selling [1]▶️Perhaps it is time to recruit new forces. Here, take this.
Selling [2]▶️Seems a fair trade? One gold for you then.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [1]▶️Wonderful! Room for more rockets!
Upgrading Tavern Tier [2]▶️With this I can expand my inventory.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [3]▶️A sound investment.
Getting a Triple [1]▶️My! That minion has grown so much!
Getting a Triple [2]▶️A brilliant tactic if I say so myself.
Getting a Triple [3]▶️I agree. They will be much stronger together.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️Is it victory or the moonglow that has you looking so radiant?
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Ah. Luck is on your side tonight.
Shop to Combat [3]▶️You are quite good at this, it seems.
Selecting in Collection▶️Let the celebration begin!
At the 8th place [1]▶️Fortune favors the brave. Stand strong.
At the 8th place [2]▶️I see no fear in your eyes. Only the will to fight on.
At the 8th place [3]▶️Listen to your ancestors. They will guide you back to victory.
Combat loss to shop [1]▶️A hard lesson to learn. But a necessary one.
Combat loss to shop [2]▶️Battles are often lost before the war is won.
Combat loss to shop [3]▶️Even on the cloudiest of nights, Elune still watches over you.
Combat win to shop [1]▶️You are a natural!
Combat win to shop [2]▶️I always believed in you!
Combat win to shop [3]▶️That battle was a thrill to witness!
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [1]▶️Now this is worth celebrating. I will pour us some moonglow.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [2]▶️You are on a path of victory.
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [3]▶️Surely you are untouchable.
Flavor [1]▶️How do I attract all these minions? Two words: Festival. Dumplings.
Flavor [2]▶️I was up all night making red envelopes. Elune is such good company.
Flavor [3]▶️Oh dear, I think I left the lantern on at home.
Flavor [4]▶️Say, did I see you at last year's Lunar Festival?
Flavor [5]▶️You should come by the shop sometime. You would look wonderful in our heirloom armors.
Flavor [6]▶️Have you ever been to Night Haven? Oh, Moonglade is lovely this time of year.
Flavor [7]▶️It is comforting to look up at the moon and know Elune is looking back.
Flavor [8]▶️When we are finished here, remind me to give you a red envelope.
Flavor [9]▶️There's still much to do for the festival. But it is nice to take a break here with you.
Combat to Shop [1]▶️They will speak of this battle for years to come!
Combat to Shop [2]▶️I trust in you to make the right choices.
Combat to Shop [3]▶️I have watched Omen's defeat time and time again, and this is just as thrilling.
Haven't bought a minion yet [1]▶️It would be unwise to go in empty-handed.
Haven't bought a minion yet [2]▶️Are you prepared for the battle ahead?
Idling [1]▶️I am sure you will make a wise choice.
Idling [2]▶️When I am uncertain, I find it best to consult the stars.
Idling [3]▶️I have a token of ancestry with me to lend you some luck today.
Idling [4]▶️I truly think you are the strongest among them.
Start of Game [1]▶️How good it is to see you again.
Start of Game [2]▶️Why hello again, friend.
Start of Game [3]▶️Greeting! What a joyous occasion!
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [1]▶️You have gathered quite a powerful force.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [2]▶️Even Omen would quake at the sight of your army.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [3]▶️That one is sure to lead you to victory.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [1]▶️I think this minion will be a strong ally.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [2]▶️I have a good feeling about this one.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [3]▶️That one will serve you well.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [1]▶️Even a smallest among us have a part to play.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [2]▶️It is wise to start small.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [3]▶️The strongest warriors are found in the most unlikely places.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️May Elune be with you.
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Our ancestors will be by your side.
Seeing a Triple [1]▶️A triple has appeared. How lucky!
Seeing a Triple [2]▶️Ah, a triple! What a fortunate turn of events!
Seeing a Triple [3]▶️It appears you have three of a kind!
Start of Game as  Elise Starseeker▶️Out paths were fated to cross, Starseeker.


Patch changes


External links

References[edit | edit source]