Butler Dribble

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Butler Dribble is a bartender in Battlegrounds.

Hero skin of

TB BaconShopBob.png


Player actionsTranscript
Freezing [1]▶️Brrrrr... Colder than the dead they is.
Freezing [2]▶️I promise they won't move a muscle with me watching.
Selling [1]▶️Did it not please you, master?
Selling [2]▶️From the coffers to your coin purse.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [1]▶️You shouldn't have, master! I promise to spend it wisely.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [2]▶️Well, what do you think of the improvements?
Upgrading Tavern Tier [3]▶️Oh, that's more than enough to clean things up around here.
Upgrading Tavern Tier [4]▶️Best of the best, coming right up!
Getting a Triple [1]▶️Molded just like a biggun, that one.
Getting a Triple [2]▶️Buy three, get one free.
Getting a Triple [3]▶️Stronger together I always say.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️You're doing great so just be you!
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Keep it up, master!
Shop to Combat [3]▶️Use the best there is.
Selecting in Collection▶️Dribble the butler at your service.
At the 8th place [1]▶️Now's it wasn't me who said so but you's is falling behind.
At the 8th place [2]▶️Uh, pardon me saying so but you might want to watch your rank.
At the 8th place [3]▶️Never too late to recover, master.
Combat loss to shop [1]▶️Oh, tough time out there eh? Maybe something here will lift your spirits.
Combat loss to shop [2]▶️Don't let it trouble ya. You'll get them next time.
Combat loss to shop [3]▶️Naw, that's a shame. But hey you're still the winner according to Dribble.
Combat win to shop [1]▶️Saw it from the sidelines! Magnificent that was!
Combat win to shop [2]▶️I never doubted ya. Not for a minute.
Combat win to shop [3]▶️Well, you sure showed them, didn't ya?
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [1]▶️The game is yours to win, master!
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [2]▶️Course you're at the top! Who else?
Shop to Combat while in the 1st place [3]▶️That's right. Ain't nobody can beat you.
Flavor [1]▶️Some dredgers dream of being bigguns. Not me though. Happiest rebel myself.
Flavor [2]▶️Called myself a little sinstone when I was a bit more fresh-faced. Just for fun I suppose.
Flavor [3]▶️Them fancy fangs up in the castle could be real fierce. Best stay on their good side.
Flavor [4]▶️What a dredge is made of, what a dredge is made of? Filth and fiber, muck and grime. That's what dredges is made of.
Flavor [5]▶️Not often wise to ask about one's age around these parts but my muck days coming up.
Flavor [6]▶️Shadowlands isn't as bad as some say. You get used to it after a few thousand years or so.
Flavor [7]▶️There's some fancy shindig soon up the Castle Nathria. You invited?
Flavor [8]▶️Oh, you ever seen a devourer? Just the thought of them send shivers through me.
Flavor [9]▶️Saving up me coins from all this to get myself a hat. Just like Randall.
Flavor [10]▶️How do I attract all these minions? Two words: anima treats.
Combat to Shop [1]▶️Wheeew... These Battlegrounds is no joke, eh?
Combat to Shop [2]▶️Well, how was it? Exciting as the day it is?
Combat to Shop [3]▶️Wow, I don't think I could ever do anything like that. No way, no how.
Haven't bought a minion yet [1]▶️Don't want to press you master but you might want to hire someone.
Haven't bought a minion yet [2]▶️Having more minions will only make you stronger.
Idling [1]▶️I'm not one to strategize myself but I think you've got a handle on it.
Idling [2]▶️Hmm, lots to consider.
Idling [3]▶️You ought to spend that coin if you have it.
Idling [4]▶️What you thinking about? Some kind of strategy?
Idling [5]▶️Better make a choice. I may have eternity but you don't.
Start of Game [1]▶️Ready go. I got your minions. Anything you might need.
Start of Game [2]▶️Oh, it's starting, it's starting!
Start of Game [3]▶️You can win this whole thing, I just know it.
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [1]▶️Can you even imagine being that powerful?
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [2]▶️Bigger than a biggun!
Recruiting a Tier 5 or 6 minion [3]▶️That one's more fitting for your stature I think.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [1]▶️Hoho, that one's a toughy innit.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [2]▶️Oh, it's got some fighting spirit I think.
Recruiting a Tier 3 or 4 minion [3]▶️Hmm, alright, I see the potential.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [1]▶️Fresh from the muck pools.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [2]▶️Not much different to me that one.
Recruiting a Tier 1 or 2 minion [3]▶️We all start somewhere. I started in a mud puddle.
Shop to Combat [1]▶️Remember: Dribble believes in you!
Shop to Combat [2]▶️Don't muck it up. Hehehe!
Seeing a Triple [1]▶️Buy that minion and I'll polish it up real nice, master.
Seeing a Triple [2]▶️I knew I saw the third one round here somewheres.
Seeing a Triple [3]▶️That's the one you need, innit?
Start of Game as  Patchwerk▶️Folks like us - we're just built different but beautiful in our own way I think.
Start of Game as  Sire Denathrius▶️...S-Sire Denathrius! How c-can I serve you?


Patch changes

External links