The Soularium

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The Soularium is a legendary warlock spell card, from The Boomsday Project set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

The Boomsday Project
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

The Boomsday Project
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1


To edit these notes, go to Template:The Soularium notes.

  • Copies of the cards drawn from this card (i.e.  Chromaggus) will also get discarded at the end of turn.

Lore[edit | edit source]

In life, when I could still taste, feel, and experience happiness, I wasted precious hours studying mathematics. As a banshee, I chose to research a less unsavory subject: the emancipation, analysis, and practical application of souls. I have founded an entirely new field of study. I call it Soulology!
I’ve approached my studies methodically and precisely. What I’ve learned has enabled me to develop entirely new technologies to cheaply and efficiently harvest souls, refine them, and then focus them into to their purest essence. And I can do it with finer precision and with greater care than the clumsy manipulations managed by most Warlocks.
While the living are . . . crude in their base form, the souls they contain are truly remarkable! Once freed from their fleshy prisons, they soar free to become a readily accessible energy source far richer and more versatile than Stormsurge’s ludicrous light shows. And there are other perks as well: terrifyingly powerful weapons! Vast amounts of information delivered instantly! Fewer gnomes!
I’ve even developed a prototype that allows for soul essence transposition. Why travel from place to place, when you can simply swap essence with another creature that is already where you wish to be?
::G4LV-NZR doubtful query::
Of course, there are always challenges. . . . Zerek has been helpful, but I could always use more test subjects. And the souls are remarkably persistent in maintaining a connection with their erstwhile hosts. Also, while the Soularium grants access to impressive stores of knowledge, the sudden catastrophic memory loss is—admittedly—something of an inconvenience.
Still, I’m certain that Dr. Boom will agree that what I’ve accomplished here is among the most important breakthroughs in Boom Labs. Now, fetch me some more gnomes. I have work to do.[1]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Soularium is one of the cards that changed the most during the development of The Boomsday Project. The version that Blizzard tried the longest was a 7-mana spell that swapped the Attack and Cost of all minions in the player's hand. While it was cool, it also proved to have far too powerful combo potential when combined with  Glinda Crowskin or  Summoning Portal. According to Dean Ayala, The Soularium may have been the card that changed second latest in the entire Boomsday set. After Chakki created a deck using The Soularium during his first week on the Blizzard final design team, the team realized they couldn't release the card in its then-current state and had to redesign it to be completely different. At that point, the set was less than one or two months from release and Blizzard were at the point where they were merely making balance changes and changing some numbers, but they felt that redesigning The Soularium was 100% necessary, as they would likely otherwise have been forced to nerf the card later, which would have been inherently difficult due to its design.[2]
  • The Soularium is functionally identical to From Beyond, a card which had a chance of being included in the Arena-unique set but was voted out in favor of  Bottled Madness at BlizzCon 2017.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The Soularium, full art

Patch changes

  • VAC Logo.pngPatch (2024-07-16):
    • Now reads: "Draw 3 cards. They are Temporary." (previously: "Draw 3 cards. At the end of your turn, discard them.")
  • The Boomsday Project logo.png Patch (2018-08-02):
    • Added.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Daxxarri (2018-07-30). The Boomsday Project: Lab Logs Part 3. Retrieved on 2018-07-30.
  2. Cam Shea (2018-09-27). Hearthstone: Team 5 on Designing The Boomsday Project's Legendaries. IGN. Retrieved on 2018-10-02.