Template:WikiCard table/doc

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This table stores cards that either

  • have never, ever been in end-user client, but they may have been existing during the inital development, design and confirmed by Team 5 members through behind-the-scenes, interviews.
  • used to be a variation of a real dbfId. If such cards exist in this table, it means it have gone under drastical changes or even rework, especially the card arts, names, and texts.

As such, they are not meant to co-exist in Template:Card table, which is for real cards and actually used in-game.

Parameter notices[edit source]

  • id: The only identifier needed for the WikiCard. It can be made up entirely by us. It's recommended to name it somehow as close to its old variation as possible. For examples:
    • Succubus and Felstalker used to share the same id EX1_306, and Succusbus was "re-designed" in patch with build 31761; therefore, Succubus's id can be EX1_306_build31761.)
    • Another approach is to add WIKI_ before the real id if it was even replaced before the real card was added to cilent.
    • If somehow Succubus has never been a variation or replaced by another real card before, we can name the id as WIKI_Succubus.
    • All of the above examples are just recommendations. You are entirely free to name the id however you want, as long as two cards never share the same id.
  • variationOfDbfId: real dbfId that it used to share with.
  • build: the build where it was replaced with another completely different card.

Storing pages[edit source]

page count
Absolution 1
Arcane Blast (removed) 1
Arcane Flux (removed) 1
Assassin's Training (removed) 1
Auto-Pecker 4000 1
Axe of the Eclipse 1
Bethekk, the Panther 1
Bind to the Cause 1
Blood Boil (removed) 1
Blood Presence 1
Blood-caked Blade 1
Bloody Tankguard 1
Bone Shield 1
Boon of Elune 1
Captain Scaleblade 1
Charged Stormhide 1
Combust 1
Dark Summoner 1
Darkspear Hunter 1
Death Wish 1
Demoralizing Roar 1
Destroy All 1
Devouring Ooze 1
Envenom 1
Ethereal Zug 1
Exhaust (debug card) 1
Faceless Zug 1
Fade 1
Festering Pestilence 1
Firebeard Herald 1
Flame of Azzinoth (removed) 1
From Beyond 1
Frost Presence 1
Frost Wyrm (removed) 1
Ghost 1
Gnomenapper (removed) 1
Goblin Zug 1
Grand Poet Ezzera 1
Greater Heal 1
Grimoire of Service 1
Grounding Totem 1
Half-dead Walrus 1
Hardboiled Constable 1
High Mezmerist Ezzera 1
Howling Blast (removed) 1
Iceshard Plague 1
Icy Touch (removed) 1
Illidan Stormrage (removed) 1
Infectious Rat 1
Iver Bloodfist 1
Jadefire Satyr 1
Kobold Zug 1
Leeching Plague 1
Magma Shock 1
Mana Spring Totem 1
Mass Resurrection (old) 1
Mental Collapse 1
Mindspike 1
Mistress of Pain (removed) 1
Oldtown Beggar 1
Overmind Kangor 1
Penance (removed) 1
Pestilence 1
Placeholder Card 1
Power Cosmic 1
Prayer of Fortitude 2
Puddlejumper 1
Quest for Epic Loot 1
Refreshing Jolt 1
Relic of Hope 1
Reload 1
Retribution 1
Satyr Bruiser 1
Scrap Reaver 1
Shrine to Gonk 1
Shrine to Hir'eek 1
Shrine to Krag'wa 1
Shrine to Shirvallah 1
Succubus (removed) 1
Template:WikiCard table/store1 8
The Omnireaper 1
Thornstrike 1
Training Blade 1
Undeath Plague 1
Unholy Presence 1
Volley 1
Witchy Zug 1
Worldflipper X-50 1